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(6" x 6" x 30") with iron pipe cast in center. Permanent stone or concrete monuments shall be set at each <br />corner or angle on the outside boundary. Pipes or steel rods shall be placed at the corners of each lot and <br />at each intersection of street center lines. All U.S., State, County or other official benchmarks, <br />monuments or triangulation stations in or adjacent to the property shall be preserved in precise position. <br />7. Accurate outlines, legal descriptions of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use or for the <br />exclusive use of property owners within the subdivision with the purpose indicated therein. <br />8. Certification by a registered land surveyor to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by such <br />surveyor and that monuments and markers shown thereon exist as located and that all dimensional and <br />geodetic details are correct. <br />9. Notarized certification by owner and by any mortgage holder of record of the adoption of the plat and <br />the dedication of streets and other public areas. <br />10. Certifications showing that all taxes and special assessments due on the property to be subdivided <br />have been paid in full. <br />11. Approval by signature of City, County and State officials concerned with the specifications of utility <br />installations. (Ord. 216, 7-5-56) <br />12. Form for approval of the City Council as follows: <br />Approved by the City Council of the City of Roseville, Minnesota, this day of <br />20 , <br />Signed ,Mayor; Attest ,Manager <br />13. Form for approval by County authorities as required. (Ord. 245, 5-10-58) <br />1102.05: ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS: <br />A. Approval of Plat or Annexation into City not Considered Acceptance: If any plat or subdivision contains <br />public streets or thoroughfares which are dedicated as such, whether located within the corporate limits <br />of the City or outside the corporate limits or contains existing streets outside of said corporate limits, the <br />approval of the plat by the City Council or the subsequent annexation of the property to the City shall <br />not constitute an acceptance by the City of such streets or thoroughfares, nor the improvements <br />constructed or installed in such subdivision, irrespective of any act or acts by an officer, agent or <br />employee of the City with respect to such streets or improvements. <br />B. Acceptance by Resolution of City Council: The acceptance of such streets or thoroughfares shall be <br />made only by the approval of a resolution by the City Council after there has been filed, with the City <br />Manager, a certificate by the Public Works Director. The certificate shall indicate that all improvements <br />required to be constructed or installed in or upon such streets or thoroughfares in connection with the <br />approval of the plat of subdivision by the City Council have been fully completed and approved by the <br />Public Works Director, or a cash deposit or bond is on file to ensure the installation of such required <br />improvements. However, if it appears to the City Council that a public local improvement will be <br />constructed in any such street or thoroughfare within a reasonable foreseeable time, the City Council, <br />upon the recommendation of the Public Works Director may, by resolution, temporarily accept such <br />street or thoroughfare for the purpose of maintenance by the City, and defer the completion of the street <br />or thoroughfare by the developer until such local improvement has been constructed. (Ord. 280, 8-4-59; <br />amd. 1995 Code) <br />1102.06: REQUIRED LAND IMPROVEMENTS: <br />No final plat shall be approved by the City Council without first receiving a report signed by the Public <br />Works Director certifying that the improvements described in the subdivider's preliminary plans and <br />specifications meet the minimum requirements of all ordinances in the City, and that they comply with the <br />following: (Ord. 373, 5-28-62; amd. 1995 Code) <br />A. Sewers: <br />1. Sanitary Sewers: Sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve all properties in the subdivision where a <br />connection to the City sanitary sewer system is available or where detailed plans and specifications for <br />