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according to specifications approved by the Public Works Director. (1995 Code) <br />G. Public Utilities: <br />1. All new electric distribution lines (excluding main line feeders and high voltage transmission lines), <br />telephone service lines and services constructed within the confines of and providing service to <br />customers in a newly platted residential area shall be buried underground. Such lines, conduits or cables <br />shall be placed within easements or dedicated public ways in a manner which will not conflict with other <br />underground services. Transformer boxes shall be located so as not to be hazardous to the public. <br />2. The City Council may waive the requirements of underground services as set forth in subsections 1 <br />and 2 above if, after study and recommendation by the Planning Commission, the City Council <br />establishes that such underground utilities would not be compatible with the planned development or <br />unusual topography, soil or other physical conditions make underground installation unreasonable or <br />impractical. (Ord. 598, 5-26-69) <br />1102.07: ARRANGEMENTS FOR IMPROVEMENTS: <br />A. Contract for Development: Prior to the acceptance of the final plat, the owner or subdivider shall enter <br />into a contract for development of new subdivisions with the City. In conjunction with this contract, the <br />owner or subdivider shall deposit with the Public Works Director either a cash deposit or a corporate <br />surety performance bond, approved as to form by the City Attorney, in an amount equal to one and one- <br />half (1 1/2) times the Public Works Director's estimated cost of said improvements or one and one- <br />fourth (1 1/4) times the actual bid. This bond shall also have a clause which guarantees said <br />improvements for a period of one year after acceptance by the City of said improvements. In lieu of this <br />clause, a separate one year maintenance bond approved as to form by the City Attorney, shall be <br />submitted to the Public Works Director upon acceptance of said improvements by the City Council. <br />Upon receipt of this maintenance bond the performance bond may be released. <br />B. Improvements: All such improvements shall be made in accordance with the plans and specifications <br />prepared by a registered professional engineer and approved by the Public Works Director and in <br />accordance with applicable City standards and requirements. <br />C. Bond: The owner or subdivider shall deposit with the Public Works Director cash or an approved <br />indemnity bond to cover all expenses incurred by the City for engineering, legal fees and other <br />incidental expenses in connection with the making of said improvements listed in Section 1102.06. In <br />the event of a cash deposit, any balance remaining shall be refunded to the owner or subdivider after <br />payment of all costs and expenses to the City have been paid. <br />D. Street Access to Improved Lots Required: It is not the intent of this Section to require the owner or <br />subdivider to develop the entire plat at the same time making all the required improvements, but <br />building permits will not be granted except as to lots having access to streets on which the required <br />improvements have been made or arranged for by cash deposit or bond as herein provided. (1990 Code) <br />~ See also Chapter 704 of this Code. <br />