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A. Easements at least a total of twelve (12) feet wide, centered on rear and side yard lot lines, shall be <br />provided for drainage and utilities where necessary. They shall have continuity of alignment from block <br />to block, and at deflection points easements for pole line anchors shall be provided. <br />B. Where a subdivision is traversed by a water course, drainage way, channel or stream, there shall be <br />provided a storm water easement or drainage right of way conforming substantially with the lines of <br />such water courses, together with such further width or construction or both as will be adequate for the <br />storm water drainage of the area. (Ord. 216, 7-5-1956) <br />C. All drainage easements shall be so identified on the plat and shall be graded and sodded in accordance <br />with Section 1102.06. (1990 Code) <br />1103.05: BLOCK STANDARDS: <br />A. The maximum length of blocks shall be one thousand eight hundred (1,800) feet. Blocks over nine <br />hundred (900) feet long may require pedestrianways at their approximate centers. The use of additional <br />access ways to schools, parks or other destinations may be required by the City Council. <br />B. Blocks shall be shaped so that all blocks fit readily into the overall plan of the subdivision and their <br />design must evidence consideration of lot planning, traffic flow and public open space areas. <br />C. Blocks intended for commercial, institutional and industrial use must be designated as such and the plan <br />must show adequate off-street areas to provide for parking, loading docks and such other. facilities that <br />may be required to accommodate motor vehicles. <br />D. Where a subdivision borders upon a railroad or limited access highway right of way, a street may be <br />required approximately parallel to, and at a distance suitable for, the appropriate use of the intervening <br />land as for park purposes in residential districts or for parking, commercial or industrial purposes in <br />appropriate districts. Such distances shall be determined with due regard for the requirements of <br />approach grades and possible features grade separations. (Ord. 216, 7-5-1956) <br />1103.06: LOT STANDARDS: <br />A. The minimum lot dimensions in subdivisions designed for single-family detached dwelling <br />developments shall be: <br />1. Eighty five (85) feet wide at the established building setback line and on outside street curvatures. <br />2. Not less than one hundred ten (110) feet in minimum depth. <br />3. Not less than eleven thousand (11,000) square feet in area. <br />B. The minimum corner lot dimensions for single-family detached dwelling developments where permitted <br />under the Zoning Code shall be: <br />1. One hundred (100) feet wide at the established building setback line. <br />2. Not less than one hundred (100) feet in depth. <br />3. Not less than twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) square feet. <br />C. The minimum dimensions at the rear lot line of any lot shall be thirty (30) feet. <br />D. Butt lots shall be platted at least five (5) feet wider than the average interior lots in the block. <br />E. Streets. <br />1. Public Streets: See Section 1103.021. <br />2. Private Streets: Private streets may be allowed by the Council in its discretion provided they meet the <br />following conditions: <br />a. Are not gated or otherwise restrict the flow of traffic; <br />b. Demonstrate a legal mechanism will be in place to fund seasonal and ongoing maintenance; and <br />c. Meet the minimum design standards for private roadways as set forward in Section 1103.021. <br />(Ord. 1359, 1-282-2008) <br />F. Side lines of lots shall be at right angles or radial to the street line. (Ord. 1359, 1-28-2008) <br />G. Double frontage lots shall not be permitted, except: <br />1. Where lots back upon a thoroughfare, in which case vehicular and pedestrian access between the lots <br />and the thoroughfare shall be prohibited, and (Ord. 216, 7-5-1956) <br />