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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 26, 2010 <br />Page 9 <br />Chair Maschka concurred that it would show the City's commitment that they <br />were offering such a program and proving its success. <br />Councilmember Pust noted the HRA's experience in working through the details. <br />Public Comment <br />Dolly Nelson, Roseville resident since 1957 <br />Ms. Nelson addressed both the HRA and City Council noting that, while she was <br />happy to see them supporting young people, she was speaking for others of mid- <br />dle age who felt they were being neglected, along with others already established <br />in their positions or working at the University of MN who would also like to re- <br />side in Roseville, but can afford a larger home than young people. Ms. Nelson <br />questioned whether the City was only marketing itself to young people. <br />Mayor Klausing noted the diversity of the City's housing stock and its popula- <br />tions; and the life cycle housing concept evidenced in the City and marketing to <br />multiple needs; while the City to-date had historically no problem retaining its se- <br />niorpopulation. <br />Ms. Nelson noted her personal example in upgrading her rambler home to make it <br />more efficient, recognizing the need to make it marketable to interested buyers <br />due to the convenience of Roseville's location. Ms. Nelson asked that the City, <br />nor the HRA, forget about the middle group and to continue providing for the <br />community's diverse population; and asked that more marketing be developed to <br />other groups, rather than the City of Roseville becoming afirst-ring suburb with <br />definite class divisions. <br />Councilmember Roe concurred that marketing needed to be directed to a broad <br />base of people; however, noted that workforce housing was based on facilitating <br />first-time homebuyers. <br />HRA Member Bill Majerus, from a historical point of view, noted the progress <br />made by the HRA to-date and the cooperation between the HRA and Council- <br />members. Member Majerus noted the many exciting things that had been in- <br />itiated, and encouraged everyone to continue to work together to make Roseville a <br />great place to live. <br />11. Public Hearings <br />12. Business Items (Action Items) <br />a. Consider Request for City Abatement for Unresolved Violation of City Code <br />at 959 Brenner <br />Permit Coordinator Munson reviewed the request for abatement as detailed in the <br />Request for Council Action (RCA) dated July 26, 2010; providing a visual update <br />