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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
8/17/2010 1:41:29 PM
Creation date
8/17/2010 1:41:26 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 09, 2010 <br />Page 7 <br />Discussion included clarifying current City Code requiring the noise variance re- <br />quest; representations by the contractor to Ms. Atkins. <br />Mike Kessner, 2139 Albemarle Court <br />Mr. Kessner advised that, during the recent National Night Out event, their home- <br />owner's association had polled association members about this request, and while <br />they were mildly concerned with additional construction noise, the majority de- <br />termined that if it would facilitate earlier completion date of the Rice Street <br />project, they were willing to put up with it. The association members, however, <br />did express their hope that the additional hours would not constitute pile driving <br />so as to mitigate. some noise concerns, suggesting that other work could be per- <br />formed during those earlier hours in consideration of area residents. Mr. Kessner <br />questioned the need for a variance on Saturdays based on a twelve-hour shift; and <br />questioned if the contractor(s) would need to return for another variance in 2011, <br />since this request was for a specific time frame. <br />Ms. Bloom verified that the request by the applicant was for the requested time <br />frame in 2010 and that they hadn't requested additional time; and noted that if the <br />contractor(s) sought additional time in 2011, they would need to return for anoth- <br />er variance. <br />Polly West, Co-owner of 194 County Road BZ West <br />Ms. West advised that she was in a quandary in determining whether it was pre- <br />ferable to complete the project sooner or not have the additional noise. Ms. West <br />questioned the incentive to residents to support the requested variance without <br />compensation to the City or other agencies for this inconvenience. Ms. West <br />opined that, in the end, it didn't make any difference in whether construction <br />trucks were driving down their streets or refuse trucks going to the area day-care <br />in the early hours; and supported getting the job done sooner. <br />Ms. Bloom noted that, given the complexity of this project, there were some bene- <br />fits to area residents and businesses, as well as the travelling public on the Rice <br />Street corridor, in completing the project earlier, whether it was due to inconve- <br />nience or noise. Ms. Bloom clarified that this year's construction project was on <br />the north side of Highway 36. <br />Nick Arndt, Arndt Construction <br />Having just arrived, Mr. Arndt responded to public concerns expressed and City <br />Council questions. <br />Discussion included the contractor(s) preferring not to work on Saturday and not <br />anticipating regular Saturday hours unless due to weather-related delays with the <br />exception of one area for extensive storm sewer work crossing north of and jack- <br />ing under Highway 36 with lighter traffic volume on Saturday facilitating that <br />work while attempting to maintain traffic while undercutting the road; impacts of <br />
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