Laserfiche WebLink
Community Values on Recycling <br />(as identified by the Public Works, Environment and Transportation Commission June 2010} <br />Collection <br />Local vendor <br />Clean, quiet <br />Know the size and weight of trucks and their impact on streets <br />Equipment doesn't use fossil fuel <br />Contract <br />Return on Investment <br />Money returned to city <br />Flexibility in contracting <br />Rewards for adding value <br />Convenience <br />Easy to participate <br />Is it better to separate or comingle? <br />More materials picked up <br />Help to minimize blowing of material <br />Education <br />Frequent education of residents <br />Community involvement <br />Annual report on what happens to material <br />Environmental Benefits <br />Wide range of material picked up and marketed to its highest and best use <br />Materials are efficiently recycled (local markets, highest and best use far material) <br />Experience with Zero Waste events <br />Environmentally Preferred Purchasing (EPP) <br />Additional Services <br />HHW collection that's easy <br />Organics collection <br />Businesses included <br />Anticipate future markets and new end products which would lead to collection of additional material <br />