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<br />Net Effective <br />lnt.nlt Rate <br /> <br />4.214&' <br /> <br />.. SavID.p or <br />Refunded <br />Bond.I <br />10.21'10\ <br /> <br />, SaV1ngB of <br />Retundina <br />Bond. <br />e.S898\ <br /> <br />The doUar value of such debt lervice or interest C08t _vinp (Reduct1on) II. <br />$1.088,559. and the present value ot the Deduction I. $912.398. The dollar amount <br />of the Red.ucdQD is 10.58\ of the debt service intsNst COlt on the Refunded Bonds. <br />The Reduction. after the inclusion of all authorized expenses or retundini; in the <br />COPiputation of the effecUvemterest rate on the Bonds, III adequate to authorize the <br />ia.uance of the Bonda as provided by Section 475.87, Subdiria10n 12 of MInnesota <br />Statut... <br /> <br />! . 02. It 1& nece8aary to purchase from Bond proceeds mV8.tment .ecurities <br />'l'8qulred to fund the Escrow Account pursuant to this It_olution. Tbe Finance <br />Director 18 hereby authorized and directed to purohase for and on beha1t of the City <br />and in ita name, appropriaté seoul'itin to fund the Escrow Account. Upon the <br />issuance and deli~eJ7' of the Bonda, thé securities 80 purchased shall be deposited <br />with the Es01'OW Age~t and held pursuant to the term. or the Eacrow Agreement and <br />the Resolution. Aa of the date of delivery of and payment for!' the Bonds the <br />proceeds of the Bonds (Proceeds), in the amount of $5.540,000 together with other <br />funds (Funds) in the amount of $107,481.25 aN horeby appropriated for liuch <br />purpose a5 shall be ¡lecessary to pay the principal of, interest on and redemption <br />premium (if 8.Dy) on the Refunded Bond~ to their maturity or the date 011 whioh they <br />are called for redemption, whichever date1s earlier, less necessary expenses of the <br />issuance of the Bonds and less my amount Qf Proceeds in e;x:cess of $8.563,800 <br />required to be deposited in the Debt SenYice Fund, and are hereby pledged and <br />appropriated and shall be deposited in an escrow account (Esorow Account) with <br />Norwest Bank Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minnesota, a suitable financial institution <br />within tbe state, whose deposita are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance <br />CorporatioD, who.. colDbined capital and surplus is not less than $500,000 and &aid <br />financial institution is hereby designated es~row apnt (Eacrow Apnt) for 8uch <br />funds. The Proceeds and Funds ¡hall be jnvested in securities maturing or caUable <br />at the option of the holder on such dateS and bearinar; interest at such rates as shaU <br />be 1'ê to provide sutfic1ent funds, together with any casb ot' other funds <br />Ntained in the Escrow Account, to pay when due the interest to &001'\18 on each of <br />the Refunded Bonds at maturity or on the date on whioh it ia oallod a8 herein <br />provided and to pay the principal amount of saob. suoh ob1:lgation at maturity or on <br />the date on which it has been caned for l'êdemption and to pay any premium req\Üred <br />for redemption on such date. Tho monies in the Escrow Account shall be used solely <br />for the purposes herein set forth and for no other purpose, except that if any <br />surplus shall remain In tha Esorow Aocount aftel' aU of the Refunded Bonds and <br />mtarest (and any premium) theréOD are paic1, then such balance shall be transferrod <br />to the City. NotwithøtandJn&, anything to the contrary lu this Seotion 5.02, the <br />Refunded Bonds cons1øt1ng of the City's $4 J 500,000 General ObUP.tioD Improvement <br />Bonds, Series 14, dated March 1, 1988, of which $3.335,000 in principal amount is <br />outstanding and 5ubjeot to redemption on March 1, 1994 (the "Series 14 Bond.IIiI") will <br />be redeemed and prepaid in aocordance with their terms from Proceeds in the amount <br />of $3,030,880 together with Fundu in the amount of $411,S71, which Proceeds and <br />Funds sha11 not be p18d~ed or appropriated to the Escrow Account under tbe terms <br />of the EliJc1"OW Agreement. <br /> <br />S. 03. No portion or the proceeds of the Bonds will bo used directly 01' <br />indirectly to acquire higher yieldin¡ invBstments or to replaoe funds which were <br /> <br />onln,. <br />"'200-13 <br /> <br />~2 <br />