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<br />;. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />5.08. E8oro~lDent. cD or p1'io1' to the delivery of the Jtefu:nd.1nl Bo~ <br />the Mayor and the er are hereby author1sed and diNcted to execute OD MbalÎ <br />of the City an .8croW ~nt (Escrow Aveement) witb the Escrow Aaent In <br />substantially the form now on m. with the Manapr. AD ...ent1a1 terma and <br />oolLc!ltiona of the Escrow Aar~t. including payment by the City of 1'e88onab1e <br />charges tor the aervicea of the Escrow Apnt. are hereby approveci &:Ad adopted and <br />mad. a part of this 1'G801UtioD, aDd the City ooveJ18.nW that it will promptly enforce <br />aU p1'Ovia101L8 theNOi' in the event of default thereunder by the Escrow Apnt. <br /> <br />'5,09. Defeasance. When aU Bonds and aU wterest thereon, have been <br />cUschar~ed as pl'ov1dedin this pan.¡raph, all p1edceø, oovermnts and other r1chta <br />panted by thil resolution to the hold81'l of the Bonda ahaU oeue, except that the <br />pled¡e of the fun faith and oN<lit of the City tor the prompt and full payment of the <br />principal of and mte1'8lt on the Bondi 8haU remain in fuU force and effect. The City <br />_y dJaohar¡e all Bonds whicll are due on any elate by depoalt.h1e with the R.ptl'U' <br />on or before that date a sum .utt1cJent tor the payment thereof in fuD; If any Bond <br />ahould. not be paid when due, It may neverthel... be diøcbarpd by depositina witb <br />a auitable Escrow Apnt a Iwn auftic1ent tor the payment thereof In fuU with interest <br />accrued to the date at øuch depoøit. The City may 81180 at any time d1øcharp and <br />4efease the Boncla h1 the1r entirety by oompJy1nc With tbe prov1s1ona of Sectio:n <br />·U6 .87 of MinDeaota Statutes, exoept that the funds deposited in ..crow m <br />ac~rdanoe with aaid provll1ou may (to the extent perDdtted by law) but nMd not <br />be, in whole or in paJ't, proceeds ot bonda as therein providéd without the CODAnt <br />Df any Bondholders. <br /> <br />Seotfon 8. Authentication of TransorfDt. <br /> <br />6.01. The officers of the City 'are autborized end c:tireoted to pMpare anc! <br />furnish to the Purchaser and. to the attorneys approving the Bonds, oertit1ed copt8. <br />of proo.adm¡s and record. of the City relatm¡ to the Bonds and. to the financial <br />eoncUtlon and. affairs of the City, and suoh other certificates, affidavits anå <br />tranacrfpts as may be required to show the facti within thefr knOwledge or as sbown <br />by the books and records m their custody and under tbe1J' control, relating to the <br />va11dity and III&1'ketability of the Bonds and IUch instrument.. lDoluding any <br />heMtofore furnished, shall be d.eemed. representations at the City as to the facta <br />.tated therein. <br /> <br />8.02. The Mayor and City ~pr are bereby autbol'1zed and cUreoted to <br />oertfty that they have examh:l.ed the Official Statement prepared and aiI-ou]ated in <br />connection with the iuuanoe and aa1e of the BO:Qda and that to the but ot their <br />knowled.KÐ and beUof the Official Statement Sa a oomplete Uld aoouNt. rep"8entation <br />of the faots and npMHntaUona made therein as of the date of the Official Statement. <br /> <br />Seotlon 7. Iwe Cov,,-"'''pt. <br /> <br />'1.01. The City covenants and apes with the holders trom time to time or the <br />BODds that it wU1 not take 01' permit to be taken by any of ita oftioers. employees or <br />ag.nt. any aotlon which would cauae the interest on the Bond. to beoome subject to <br />taxation UDder the Internal Revenue Code of 1886, all amended (the Code), and u. <br />Treaaury .er;ulations p1'OIIIUlpted thereunder, in effeot at the t1me of such aotkms, <br />aDd that it will take or oau.e1ta offioera, employeea 01' apntll to take, all altlnDad... <br />aoUOIl w1thiD ita power that may be n8ceaaary to ensure that BUcb æt.~t wD1 DOt <br />become lIubjeC!t to taxation under the Code and applicable TrealN1"11te¡uJationa, .. <br />presently ex1st1n~ 01' aa hereafter amended and mad. appUoable to the Bond... <br /> <br />t:IIU'J'JI <br />_00-13 <br /> <br />14 <br />