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Charter Commission
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8/26/2010 1:34:29 PM
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Charter Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Roseville Charter Commission <br />• Roseville City Hall Council Chambers <br />Minutes of Meeting of February 21, 2001 <br />Call to Order/Roll Call The meeting was called to order by chair Vicky Lorenz at 7:00. All Commission <br />members were present. <br />II. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on January 17, 2001 were approved as mailed. <br />III. Public Comment <br />1. John Kysylyczyn, Mayor of Roseville, spoke in favor of a lower limit on signatures for initiative and <br />referendum petitions, stating that the primary purpose is to offer the initiative or referendum to a <br />vote of the people. <br />2. Georgeanne Hall emphasized the authority of elected officials in making decisions for their <br />constituents and the possibility that initiative could result in the rule of the minority. <br />IV. Other Business <br />-Revised copies of the Commission By-laws were distributed. <br />-2.03 Council Composition and Election -The secretary pointed out that the phrase, "the other <br />successful candidate" was vague and did not indicate who was the other successful candidate. Motion <br />by Bell to substitute "receiving the third highest. number of votes" was approved unanimously. <br />V. Chapter 5 Initiative and Referendum <br />5.01 General Voter Authority Motion by Sands to adopt. Section 5.1 was approved. Aye: 5, Nay: 3, Abstain: 1. <br />5.02 Petitions The chair suggested dividing this section into two parts: 1) the number of signatures needed on <br />a petition, and 2) the form of the petition. <br />Motion by Lorenz that new Section 5.02 be limited to the subject of the number of signatures needed on a <br />petition. Motion was approved unanimously. Motion by Lorenz to use 5% of the number of registered voters <br />as the basis for the number of signatures needed for initiative and referendum. Sobola offered a friendly <br />amendment to limit the motion to initiative, which was accepted. Motion to use 5% of the number of <br />registered voters as the basis for initiative passed unanimously. <br />Motion by Bell to use 5% of the number of registered~voters as the basis for the number of signatures required <br />for referendum failed. Aye: 4, Nay: 5. <br />Motion by Johnson that a referendum petition be signed by 10% of the registered voters was approved. Aye: <br />6, Nay: 3. <br />Exact language for these provisions, following the format in the model charter, was provided by Jack Brewer. <br />A sample initiative petition was considered but rejected as not applicable to our case. <br />Motion by Johnson to create Section 5.03 by adopting model charter language for Section 5.02 starting with <br />"Each petition..." continuing to the end, and changing ci clerk to city manager was approved unanimously. <br />A discussion of the problems that could result from dividing and renumbering Model Charter Section 5.02 <br />followed, suggesting the option of retaining the original number and format. Parliamentarily speaking, the <br />new sections, 5.02 Petitions and 5.03 Form of ~etition, remain in force since no amendments or new motions <br />were made to change them. <br />~.. <br />
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