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2000 Communication on Charter Commission
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2000 Communication on Charter Commission
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Last modified
12/7/2010 1:59:36 PM
Creation date
9/13/2010 1:37:01 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Charter Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
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March 27, 2000 <br />To: Involved Residents of Roseville <br />From: Roseville Charter Commission <br />Re: Charter Update <br />Last fall a committee of nine Roseville residents was formed to debate the issue of <br />changing Roseville's form of government from a Statutory Plan B to a Charter. A <br />Charter, in the simplest terms, is a constitution written for a specific city or county. <br />The specific charge of out committee is to first determine if a Charter should be prepared <br />for Roseville or not. If we determine that a Charter should be developed then we are to <br />write the Charter and present it to the citizens of Roseville to be voted up or down. <br />So why are we sending this letter to you? We want the citizens of Roseville to be <br />informed of this debate and involved wit this debate. Our committee meets on the third <br />Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers of City Hall. We have <br />included with this letter the topics that we will be discussing over the next few months. If <br />you have any comments regarding the development of a Charter or on any of the future <br />topics we need to hear from you. Your attendance at our meetings is welcome and <br />necessary to complete our charge. <br />The nine members on this committee are Georgiana Sobola, Marilyn Silvis, Elwyn <br />Sands, Ron Riach, Vicky Lorenz, Craig Klausing, Pat Johnson, Jack Brewer and Bob <br />Bell. Please pass along your thoughts to one. of us or drop off a note at City Hall. <br />Please share this information with your organization. Thank You. <br />
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