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Senator <br />John Marty <br />November 18, 2002 <br />Roseville Charter Commission <br />Robert C. Bell, Chair <br />c/o City Hall <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />Dear Charter Commission Members: <br />Senate <br />State of IVtiiuiesotn. <br />We are writing to encourage the Charter Commission to consider discharging itself now that <br />Roseville voters have rejected the proposed charter on two separate occasions. <br />We have heard from several Roseville residents who have asked us to carry legislation modifying <br />the state law on home rule charter commissions. As you may know, the law allows a charter <br />conunission to remain in existence, even if voters reject the proposed charter, and has no limit to <br />the number of times a charter commission may try again (MN Statutes 410.10 Subd. 4). <br />However, in doing so, a charter commission would be ignoring the will of the voters. <br />State law also allows a charter conunission to discharge itself by a vote ofthree-fourths of its <br />members (MN Statutes 410.05 Subd. 5). <br />We share the concerns of the Roseville residents who have contacted us, about the fundamental <br />unfairness of a charter commission continuing to propose charters after the voters have rejected <br />such a charter. Voters can express their opposition to a charter at the polls, but they have no <br />means to abolish the commission. <br />Rather than going through the time, cost, and uncertainty of trying to amend state law to address <br />this issue, we believe it would be more sensible for the commission to consider simply voting <br />itself out of existence. <br />This should riot be an issue that divides those who supported a home rule charter and those that <br />opposed one -- it is a situation in which both sides can agree that the voters have had two <br />opportunities to speak on the issue. <br />We appreciate your consideration of this request. <br />Since~ely~ <br />Jon arty Mindy Gr ing <br />Senator Representative <br />R 10 ~;^„~~,,.,, r,",~~,~ c..,t„ ro,.:r,.1 cr n:,..i nnnr .,i ,~.irnr, rr,~i~ 2~r,_~rn~ h»;, ._;;;,,,,..,,_,. <br />