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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/15/2010 1:39:10 PM
Creation date
9/15/2010 1:39:04 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Margaret Driscoll <br />From: Thomas Paschke <br />Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 3:53 PM <br />To: 'RVCouncil <br />Cc: Pat Trudgeon; <br />Council Members; <br />I thought I would provide a response to Ms. Dushin's questions prior to the meeting this evening. Some <br />of these same questions were presented at the Planning Commission public hearing on August 4 at which <br />meeting the Planning Staff attempted to answer -the questions and responses are reflected in the draft <br />minutes attached to the Council's report. <br />First, let me state once again that we are not seeking approval of any of the draft zoning districts tonight. <br />We are only seeking comments and attempting to clarify as best as possible, the changes from our current <br />Code to the proposed Code. Our goal as stated in the past is to obtain as many comments as possible in <br />advance of the Official Zoning Map, all zoning districts, and other applicable districts (such as <br />supplemental and/or performance standards) being forwarded to the City Council for approval in the fall. <br />Regarding buffering or creating a buffer zone/district along highway 35W across from the residential <br />neighborhood directly south across 35W, the Planning Division considers the interstate highway as a <br />buffer to the residential and business uses that lie on the other side of the freeway. Changing the land use <br />guiding and subsequent zoning of the southern parcels along Walnut Street would be a dramatic change <br />from previous conversations and would reduce viable industrial land by many acres. <br />As to performance standards for the industrial zoning district, these requirements will be in a separate <br />section of the Code. One of the main reasons for this is that standards that may apply to industrial uses <br />should also apply to other uses in other districts, and the appropriate way to capture this is to have a <br />separate and distinct section the includes all performance and/or supplemental regulations. <br />As to the specific question regarding chemicals - it is my interpretation that the performance standard <br />could apply to both the manufacturing as well as storage of chemicals. Keep in mind that our current <br />Industrial Districts is predicated on manufacturing and processing and my understanding of the <br />performance standards listed are as an enforcement measure after a use is in place and operating allowing <br />a means to appropriately and adequately measure the standards. <br />Our proposal to have a single industrial district is predicated on three main points. The first is a direct <br />result of the Comprehensive Plan -Land Use Map and how it has guided former light industrial as <br />Community Mixed Use, Regional Business or Office/Business Park. There is a very good reason why <br />office showroom and high-tech/flex space is more appropriate in either of these two district than the new <br />industrial district -manufacturing and processing. Even with our current district designations, the <br />planning staff is challenged in how we allow non-manufacturing and/or processing uses. The change <br />also better addressed retail uses the proliferate the office showroom spaces throughout Roseville. <br />Secondly, once you separate out the "light industrial uses" that are now guided (and to be zoned) <br />Community Mixed Use, Office/Business Park and Regional Business there is only I-2 and I-2A zoning <br />and the only difference between the two is that a restaurant that is not allowed in the I-2A district. <br />Lastly, if our goal is to not dramatically change what we currently have guided in Roseville for general <br />industrial (I-2) land area, then the current proposal does just that. It should be noted that most all <br />
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