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City of Shoreview <br />City of Shoreview Municipal Code Chapter 200. Development Regulations <br />(b) Location. All boundary line fences shall be located entirely upon the <br />private property of the person, firm or corporation constructing, or <br />causing the construction of such fence, unless the owner of the <br />adjoining property agrees, in writing that such fence may be erected on <br />the division line of the respective properties..The City Manager or <br />his/her designee may require the owner of property upon which a <br />fence now exists, or is to be located, to establish lot lines upon said <br />property by the placement of permanent stakes located by a licensed <br />surveyor or engineer: <br />(c) Construction and Maintenance: Every fence shall be constructed in a <br />substantial professional manner and shall be constructed of a <br />substantial material reasonably suited to the purpose for which the <br />fence is proposed to be used. Every fence shall be maintained iri a <br />condition of reasonable repair and shall not be allowed to deteriorate <br />into disrepair or into a dangerous condition, or constitute a nuisance, <br />either public or private. <br />(d) Fencing Material. The framing structure of fences in all Business <br />Districts shall be placed on the owner's side of the fence or equally <br />distributed on both sides. Fencing material may consist of <br />dimensional, solid sawn, .decay resistant lumber, chain Link fencing <br />material with corrosion protection or other materials as permitted <br />subject to the Site and Building Plan review. <br />(e) prohibited Fence Material. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or <br />corporation to construct and maintain or allowed to be constructed or <br />maintained upon any property located within a Business District, any <br />fence of metal construction, or otherwise, which is charged or <br />connected with electrical current in such a manner as to transmit said <br />current to persons, animals or things which intentionally or <br />unintentionally may come in .contact with the same. Barbed wire <br />fences are prohibited and shall not be constructed or maintained. <br />205.041 Limited Retail Service District (C1Al <br />(A)Purpose. In addition to the purposes defined in Section 205.040(A) (Business <br />District Overview, Purpose) the Limited Retail Service District is intended to <br />be located on the periphery of residential neighborhoods along collector or <br />arterial roadways. The principal uses are intended to serve the convenience <br />retail and personal service needs of nearby residents. <br />(B) Permitted Uses. in addition to the uses defined in Section 205.040(B) <br />(Overview) the following uses, as well as-any similar uses, are permitted: <br />Section 205. Development Districts 205-10 <br />