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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 23, 2010 <br />Page 6 <br />10. Presentations <br />a. Joint Meeting with Police Civil Service Commission <br />Police Civil Service Commissioners present were Chair James Campbell; Vice <br />Chair Teresa Bailey; and Recording Secretary Donald Drackert. <br />Chair Campbell reviewed the provisions and purposes of the Commission; and <br />thanked Police Chief Rick Mathwig for his superb service to the community and <br />in his work with the Commission. Chair Campbell noted that the most recent goal <br />of the Commission was to update the Rules and Regulations, specific to the Pur- <br />pose and Scope of the Commission in order to carry out the purposes of Minneso- <br />ta Statutes, Chapter 419, and Roseville City Code, Chapter 202. Chair Campbell <br />noted that the Commission had made comparisons with peer communities to pro- <br />vide abenchmark for best practices; and revised the documents with the latest <br />draft completed in late May of 2010, and reviewed by the City Attorney; and pro- <br />vided asummary of the Purpose Statement and Scope as "Attachment A" for this <br />agenda item. Chair Campbell advised that pursuit of the final draft for approval <br />would be forthcoming, with an information copy made available in the near fu- <br />ture, at which time it would then be communicated to the Police Department and <br />posted as required by State Statute and made available to the public through the <br />City Office. <br />Chair Campbell thanked recently-retired Commissioner Mary Jean Anderson for <br />her involvement in this revision and for her service on the Commission. <br />Vice Chair Bailey noted the need to clarify the previous documents with Statute; <br />defining who the rules cover, with only sworn employees of the Department with <br />the exception of the Chief and Deputy Chief positions, but not all non-sworn mu- <br />nicipal employees on assignment to the Department who are governed by separate <br />and distinct hiring and promotion regulations issued by the City of Roseville. <br />Commissioner Drackert expressed the Commission's confidence in the revised <br />Rules and Regulations that will be of benefit to the Police Department. <br />Discussion among Commissioners and Councilmembers included how these <br />Rules and Regulations tracked with the personnel regulations developed by the <br />City's Human Resources Department and regulations for other employees, with <br />clarification by Commissioners that the former City Attorney and the City's Hu- <br />man Resources Director were involved in reviewing the revised documents and <br />how they fit together; with Commissioners noting that collective bargaining <br />agreements may override some things in the revised document, creating the need <br />to revise language of that document. Commissioners advised that the City's Hu- <br />man Resources Director would be invited to participate in any future hiring for <br />the Police Department. <br />