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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
9/30/2010 9:09:57 AM
Creation date
9/30/2010 9:09:37 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Mr. Schwartz noted the need for future discussion at the PWET Commission level <br />related to the City's current utility rates, cost of infrastructure replacement, and <br />current assessment policy, and identification of additional resources, as part of <br />future recommendations to the City Council. Mr. Schwartz noted the challenges <br />and competition for resources for these Public Works needs along with those <br />needs of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan process as well ad day-to-day <br />operations of City government, and core services of the Fire and Police <br />Departments. <br />Storm Drainage <br />Discussion included no equipment identified verbally, pending a written report, <br />by the MPCA during their recent audit of the City's operations other than their <br />comments related to staff resources available for inspections and record-keeping; <br />costs and advantages of a steamer for addressing continuous thaw/freeze cycles <br />for storm sewers; and the need for additional utility software for efficiently and <br />effectively tracking basic infrastructure, similar to the PMP software model. <br />Members discussed the role of the PWET Commission in the budget process; <br />additional information needed from staff depending on the role defined for the <br />Commission by the City Council; the need to provide additional education to the <br />public on core functions and infrastructure of the City; review of the City's <br />Assessment Policy; and recognizing the need for the City Council to charge the <br />Commission with their duties. <br />Further discussion included the City Council's support of staff presentations from <br />a Public Works Department perspective; success of the PMP program to-date; <br />financing options available including bonding due to gaps from lower interest rate <br />returns and pressures on the PNIP infrastructure fund; and recognizing that the <br />public is able to observe conditions of the City's streets, but the underground <br />utilities are not so easy to observe unless they don't work. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that he had asked Finance Director Chris Miller to attend a <br />future meeting to provide a broader perspective on challenges for the City's <br />infrastructure. <br />Additional discussion included improved software tools to track data and estimate <br />percentages and identify infrastructure areas having worse problems and stresses; <br />learning from past experiences; and the need for Commissioners to interact with <br />citizens and let them know the rationale for staff recommendations and <br />subsequent City Council actions related to infrastructure needs. <br />Members again expressed their interest in assisting the City Council in educating <br />the public, as repeated in the Imagine Roseville 2025 community visioning <br />process for additional communication; and beginning with a review by the PWET <br />Commission of the current Assessment Policy and recommendations to the City <br />Council. <br />Page 10 of 11 <br />
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