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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
10/22/2010 12:25:04 PM
Creation date
10/22/2010 12:23:55 PM
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Public Works Commission
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land use review. Chair DeBenedet suggested that a stating point maybe for the <br />PWET Commission members to brainstorm with Community Development staff <br />in how the PWET Commission could fit into the process to ensure storm water <br />management goals were met, while not further delaying or complicating the <br />process for developers within the State mandated 60-day review period. <br />Discussion included storm water management goals and how they're being met in <br />land use cases and their review. <br />DeBenedet Prod ect <br />With the concurrence of fellow members, Chair DeBenedet requested time at a <br />future meeting for presentation of his Master's Degree program project. Chair <br />DeBenedet provided preliminary information in this infrastructure systems <br />engineering study based on maintenance of municipal utilities and his work with <br />Mr. Schwartz and GIS Technician in a review of the miles of water and sewer <br />mains, pipe material and size and construction of the various portions of the <br />system. Chair DeBenedet provided comparisons of types of pipe material; <br />infiltration data based on those materials; types of soil and impacts form frost <br />heaves and soil movements; and age of the infrastructure. Chair DeBenedet noted <br />that his initial findings indicated a serious need in replacing the aging <br />infrastructure, based on breaks and ongoing maintenance. <br />CTrP,P,n ~trP,P,tC <br />Member Stenlund reiterated his encouragement for members to hear a <br />presentation by former PWET Commission member Randy Neprash on storm <br />water management practices in Sweden. Member Stenlund suggested that this <br />could be incorporated into a broader discussion and review of street sweeping <br />versus vacuuming; current snow plowing practices and how snow was winged off <br />roadways in the community based on impacts to storm water, as well as boulevard <br />tree maintenance and longevity. <br />Surrounding Communities <br />Chair DeBenedet expressed interest in comparing practices with Shoreview in <br />their experience with a vacuum sweeper and how their pilot proj ect with the <br />pervious pavement was working. <br />Meeting Schedule for the Remainder of 2010 <br />Chair DeBenedet noted the need to review November and December meetings in <br />relationship to the upcoming holiday season. <br />12. Adjournment <br />Chair DeBenedet adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:14 p.m. <br />Page 10 of 10 <br />
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