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Department <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Manager Reviewed <br />�� <br />Description: Adoption of Legislative Policies By Reference <br />Background <br />Date: O1/08/O1 <br />Item No.: c-3 <br />Agenda Section <br />Consent <br />At the December 4, 2000 meeting with the Roseville area legislative delegation, the Council had a <br />good opportunity to discuss legislative issues. While most of the issues with which the City is <br />concerned, are included in the legislative programs of either the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC), <br />the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC) or the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities <br />(AMM), the one issue which is relevant to Roseville is in regard to citizen volunteer interviews. <br />The Council is concerned with the potential misuse of such video or audio recording and would like <br />to see a statute limiting the rebroadcast of such a video in a way that provides for no adulteration of <br />the picture or sound with commentary. <br />So that the Council does make it clear what the legislative policies of the City may be, staff would <br />suggest that the programs of the above-cited groups be adopted by reference. The Council always <br />reserves to right to exclude or to change their position on any of the legislative policies, should the <br />facts change or new iniformation becomes available. <br />Policy Implications <br />It is the policy of the City to provide a positive role of leadership on legislative issues and to articulate <br />clearly what the City's position may be if a position has been taken. By adopting the policies of <br />LMC, MLC, and the AIMM, by reference, a positive position has been taken so that staff and Council <br />can utilize those policies for direction in the 2001 legislative session. <br />Financial Implications <br />There are no negative fiscal implications regarding this policy at this time. <br />Staff Recommendations <br />Staff is recommending that the City Council approve the adoption of the attached legislative policies <br />by reference. <br />Council Action <br />Motion to approve the adoption of the Legislative policies of the LMV, MLC, and the AMM by <br />reference as a major portion of the City's 2001 legislative program along with the goal of <br />protecting the rebroadcast rights of Commission interviewees. <br />