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City Council Meeting Packets
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Last modified
5/12/2014 4:09:52 PM
Creation date
10/25/2010 1:27:37 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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Therefore, the MLC opposes any additional restrictions on the use of TIF by local units of <br />government. <br />Because TIF is an important economic development tool, attention must be paid to the <br />negative effects that continued commercial-industrial property tax rate compression is having <br />on tax increment financing (TIF) districts. The MLC believes that the Legislature should <br />provide local units of government with the flexibility to cover any shortfalls compression may <br />create. One way to address this issue would be to pass legislation requiring developers and <br />owners of commercial-industrial property located in TIF districts to pay the statutory C-I rate <br />in place at the time the development agreement was signed for the total length of the bonds. <br />In lieu of legislation, the Legislature should appropriate assistance to cities in an amount <br />sufficient to cover shortfalls created by commercial-industrial class rate compression. <br />The MLC recognizes that an adequate supply of affordable housing is an important part of <br />metro area revitalization and, therefore, an important component in encouraging economic <br />development. The MLC strongly believes that in order to reach and maintain an adequate <br />supply of affordable housing in the metropolitan area, existing affordable housing stock must <br />be preserved. One tool to encourage the development of new housing and the maintenance <br />of existing affordable housing could be the expansion of TIF uses, without penalty, for these <br />purposes. Current law permits the use of TIF only for the development of rental housing. <br />This law should be amended to allow the use of TIF for owner-occupied housing in addition <br />to rental property. The MLC also believes that the definition of housing should be broadened <br />to permit cities to use TIF to meet their livable communities goals. <br />Finally, the MLC would support legislation that requires the State Auditor, when auditing <br />cities for compliance with tax increment finance laws and rules, to apply the generally <br />accepted accounting standards from the time period of the district. The MLC will support <br />legislation that imposes a statute of limitations on the length of time the State Auditor may <br />inspect financial records relating to TIF. <br />The MLC will work closely with the State Auditor's Office and the Attorney General in an <br />attempt to develop consistent and reasonable policies. Legislation may be necessary to <br />codify these policies. <br />D) OPPOSE RE-IMPOSITION OF LEVY LIMITS AND ANY FORM OF <br />PROPERTY TAX FREEZE <br />The MLC opposed legislation passed by the 1997 Legislature that imposed a two-year levy <br />limit on local units of government. The Legislature continued this unwise policy during the <br />1999 session by extending levy limits one year — through the year 2000. We applaud the <br />restraint of the 2000 Legislature in allowing levy limits to sunset for the following reasons: <br />• Local spending decisions are best made by locally elected officials <br />who have a clear understanding of the needs and desires of their <br />constituents. Local governments have been making responsible <br />spending decisions for years without imposition of levy limits by the <br />Legislature. In fact, because locally elected ofFcials are responsive <br />
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