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income $52,500 for a family of four). This helps to achieve the Met Council's goal to <br />maintain a balanced portfolio of units within each community. <br />♦ Met Council will make a�ailable family self-sufficiency programs for all tenants. <br />+ The program will attempt to link local employers with occupants of rental units and <br />provide information as to how current local employees can access FAHI' housing. <br />♦ The program includes a very thorough screening process far tenants and will participate <br />in the crime free multi family housing concepts that include strict guidelines for eviction <br />of any undesirable tenants. <br />♦ At least 30% of the units will be leased to families on the waiting lists maintained by the <br />Metro Council for the City of Roseville. Seventy percent of the units will be made <br />available to Minneapolis families whose rental units were demolished under the consent <br />decree or otherwise are affected by the consent decree. If the Council is not able to lease <br />available FAHI' units to Minneapolis families within 30 days, the Council may lease <br />FAHP units to eligible families living in Roseville. <br />♦ The program's average budget per unit is $167,000 which includes but is not limited to <br />acquisition, operating subsidy, title, improvement costs and landscaping allowance. All <br />purchases are contingent upon an inspection, appraisal and lead base paint abatement <br />costs evaluation. Rehab costs for units in other communities to date have ranged from <br />$2,000 to $26,000. <br />3.0 Policy Implication <br />3.1 It is anticipated that the FAHI' will achieve Roseville's housing goals, especially <br />affordability for families with school age children, as outline below. <br />3.2 The guiding principals of the Roseville's Housing Policy is to provide a variety of <br />housing for all residents, collaborate with other agencies and keep the housing programs <br />small and incremental. The following housing goals have been established as part of the <br />Housing Policy to guide public policy when evaluating current and future housing <br />programs: <br />1) provide a variety of housing types (owner occupied and rental) that balances <br />affordability, maintains quality of housing and the urban environment, has access to <br />public infrastructure, services and employment and enhances neighborhood viability. <br />2) improve the quality of approximately 200 existing units which are below the average <br />physical condition and less than 75 percent of the median value of housing units <br />within the community (currently 55 single family and 160 multi-family units). <br />3) provide housing for all stages of the life cycle such as the needs for entry level <br />housing and more affordable senior housing. Specifically, assist in the provision of <br />entry level family housing to regenerate the community, schools and our <br />neighborhoods. <br />Met Council Family Affordable Housing Program — Page 2 of 4 <br />