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Request for Council Action <br />Date: 6/26/2001 <br />Item No: r _ � <br />Department App oval: 1�Ianager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br />Consent <br />Item Description: A renewed agreement with Independent School District 623 to <br />provide a School Liaison Officer to the Roseville Area High School. <br />Background: The RAHS School Resource Officer Agreement proposed for the school year <br />2001-2002 allows for the continuation of the School Liaison Program implemented in 1989. <br />In 1996, the Roseville Police Department and the Independent School District 623 executed their <br />first agreement allowing for the provision of a School Liaison Officer in the high school. <br />The attached 200 1-2002 Agreement, which has been signed by Independent School District 623, <br />describes both the financial outlay and responsibilities of the City and the school district as they <br />pertain to the continued success of the School Liaison Program. <br />The School Liaison Program has been well received by students, teachers, and the police <br />department. Providing a safe and secure learning environment is instrumental to developing <br />desirable student behavior--a necessary attribute to future success. <br />FINANCIAL OBLIGATION <br />The Agreement states that the school district will pay 67% of the School Liaison Officer's salary <br />and benefits--the same percentage as 2000-200 L The school district contribution for school year <br />2001-2002 shall not exceed $46,119.00. That figure represents a three and one-half percent <br />increase in the district's distribution for school year 2001-2002 and is consistent with past school <br />district increases. <br />There are funds in the police budget to cover the City's cost. <br />COLTNCIL ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the 200 1-2002 Agreement between <br />Independent School District 623 and the City of Roseville to provide a School Liaison Officer in <br />the Roseville High School. <br />