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Compliance with these issues will be determined by the City Development <br />Review Committee. If the Development Review Committee believes that the <br />design does not fit within these guidelines, this portion of the project will be <br />referred to the Planning Commission for an amendment to the PUD. <br />7. That no building permits be issued for the project until after a closing occurs on <br />the Simpson parcel. There shall be no use of the site other than the existing <br />auto sales leasing use or the future new college building without prior approval of <br />the City Council. <br />8. That the ponds be maintained by the applicant, designed to meet Metropolitan <br />Council recommended standards. The City will maintain the pipes leading to the <br />ponds, and College Properties, Inc. will be responsible for mowing and other <br />aesthetic maintenance of the ponds. <br />9. That the exterior materials of the motel be changed to include brick, in a similar <br />fashion to the independent living building, such taht there would be brick all <br />around the lower level and extended up to the roof at key massing. <br />10. That the approvals are contingent upon submittal and approval of a <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Metropolitan Council. <br />11. That the independent living building be constructed as shown on the approved <br />plan, with the height of the flat portions of the roof not exceeding 66 feet, the <br />mansard style roof not exceeding 76 feet in height, and the pitched roofs <br />covering stairwells and elevator penthouses not exceed 82 feet in height. <br />12. That College Properties, Inc. dedicate a new frontage road. <br />13. That College Properties, Inc. grant a 50 foot easement to County Ditch 4. <br />14. That progress be demonstrated on correction to the soil erosion problems <br />adjacent to the main campus as part of the final PUD approval. <br />