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Steve Sarkozy was �alled by a lobbyist (or a McElroy aide?) down at the capitol, informing him <br />the mayor had bee��here with Everest and Nielson and their lobbiest. Jamnick isn't aware of <br />who contacted Burt�ll or Maschka. According to Maschka, Sarkozy informed him of this turn of <br />events. Maschka a�p�rently knew someone who would set up a meeting with Hottinger. Steve <br />Sarkozy called JOeI �. and said, "We'll meet with Senator Hottinger this morning" in response to <br />the news of Everest �t, al.'s inferred lobbying. They met with Senator Hottinger, Sandy Pappas, <br />and a staff person, �,king them to influence either not passing the bill or preventing the <br />retroactive portion t3f the bilL The legislation diafted did allow for the proposed change without . <br />the retroactive langyage. <br />Joel J. states he acted in his role as an attorney representing the city. He billed the city for his <br />time. <br />Summary by: Corrni� Pease <br />Ethics Commission Chair <br />� <br />