Promotion: Must address waste/toxicity reduction, recycling, recycled products, compostir�, clean-
<br />ups, or other waste-related issues to qualify for SCORE funding. Audiences may include businesses,
<br />residents, and municipal employees. SCORE funds may be used to cover costs of production and
<br />distribution of paper materials (brochures, newsletters, etc.) that model environmentally
<br />preferable printing practices, such as using paper made with a minimum of 30% post-consumer
<br />recycled content, using agri-based inks, and including a tag line promoting how the publication
<br />demonstrates environmentally preferable printing practices. Examples of eligible expenses
<br />include:
<br />. Production and distribution of printed materials (e.g., "how to" recycling guides or brochures,
<br />waste reduction posters, recycling reminder lawn signs, etc.)
<br />. Features, articles, etc. in municipality newsletters (coverage of SCORE-related issues must
<br />comprise a significant portion of the newsletter's content if seeking full cost reimbursement)
<br />. Advertising in the media (e.g., newspaper, radio, etc.)
<br />. Postage for distribution of promotional information (e.g., newsletters, direct mail, etc.)
<br />. Promotional goods (e.g., magnets, pencils, cloth bags, mugs, key chains, clothing, etc.)
<br />. Environmental education activity materials (e.g., coloring books, displays, educational performing
<br />troupes, videos, etc.)
<br />. Video productions
<br />. Web design/hosting expenses (only the costs directly associated with waste/toxicity reduction,
<br />recycling, cornposting, or other waste management issues)
<br />. Cash prize drawings as incentives are eligible if included in the grant application
<br />»>REMINDER: The SCORE grant agreement requires that Ramsey County and the State of
<br />Minnesota SCORE fund be credited as funding sources in any public education materials paid
<br />for in part or in full with SCORE funds. Materials not so labeled are not eligible for
<br />reimbursement.
<br />Recycling Collection: For collection activities that will maintain and increase the level of recycling
<br />beyond the level achieved in 2001. Examples of eligible expenses include:
<br />. Contractor costs for municipal-sponsored residential collection (any and all residences)
<br />. Grants to multi-unit or manufactured home park property managers to help cover cost of
<br />collection (if not provided by municipal contractor)
<br />. Recycling services for municipal facilities
<br />. Recycling collection programs for small busine�sses
<br />. Reuse, recycling, or source-separated organizes composting of materials collected at community
<br />clean-up events (Disposal costs are NOT an eligible expense. Also, if clean-up patrons are
<br />asked to pay a fee for specific items, such as appliances, electronics, tires, etc., SCORE can be
<br />used only to pay the difference between what the patron pays and the cost to the municipality
<br />to recycle that item.)
<br />Administration
<br />. Salary and benefits to cover that portion of employee time (full- or part-time) dedicated to
<br />planning, coordinating, implementing, or operating the recycling program; yard/tree waste
<br />recycling/composting program; public education efforts for recycling, waste reduction, HHW
<br />management, clean-up events at which at least a portion of materials collected are reused or
<br />recycled, etc.
<br />