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Real Property Rezoned. Pursuant to Section 10 15 (Zoning Amendments) and <br />Section 1008 (Planned Unit Developments) of the City Zoning Code of the City of <br />Rosevi�'�e, and after the City Council consideration on PF3225, the following <br />property, generally located at 2599 Lexington Avenue, City of ��sevil��, is hereby <br />rezoned from R-2, Two Family Residence District and B-3, General Business <br />District to MH-PUD, Residential Planned Unit Development, with an underlying <br />zone of R-8, Mobile Home District: <br />The property located at 2599 Lexington Avenue is legally described as: <br />Thut part of th e North east Qu arter of th e North east Qu arter of Section 10, <br />Township 29, Range 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: <br />Commencing at the southeast corner of said northeast quarter; thence north 0 <br />degrees 59 minutes 23 seconds west, assumed bearing, along the east line of <br />said northeast quarter, 1964.41 feet, to its intersection with the easterly <br />extension of the north line of� Rose Placeas monumented, said point being the <br />point of beginning of the land to be described; thence south 89 degrees 51 <br />minutes 40 seconds west, along said east line 390.3 7feet, to its intersection with <br />the southerly line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company �ight-of-way; <br />thence south 87 degrees 28 minutes 37 seconds east, along said south line, <br />I139.03 feet, to its intersection with the east line ofsaid no�theast qua�te�; <br />thence south 0 degr�ees 59 minutes 23 seconds east, along said east line, 338.43 <br />feet, to the point of beginning. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />DATED: � i�, f�j� <br />