City Council Minutes — 0 1/07/02
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<br />for a division of the question. Kysylyczyn overruled the request.
<br />Klausing appealed the overruling. Kysylyczyn overruled the appeal.
<br />Kysylyczyn called a recess at 9: 14 p.m.
<br />Kysylyczyn called the meeting back to order at 9:26 p.m.
<br />Kysylyczyn announced that he is granting the request for division
<br />and that, pursuant to the advice of the City Attorney, a division will
<br />result in no further discussion or debate on the motion but an
<br />immediate vote on each proposed rule of procedure. Klausing
<br />sought to withdraw his request for a division. Kysylyczyn directed
<br />Beets to ca11 the roll on each proposed rule:
<br />Rule 1: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 2: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 3: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 4: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 5: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 5: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 6: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 7: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, Klausing, and
<br />Kysylyczyn. Nays: Maschka. Rule approved, 4- 1.
<br />Rule 8: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder and Kysylyczyn. Nays:
<br />Maschka, Kough Klausing. Rule disapproved, 2-3.
<br />Rule 9: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 10: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 11: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 12: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 13: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: Maschka, Klausing. Rule approved, 3-2.
<br />Rule 14: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, and Kysylyczyn. Nays:
<br />Maschka, Kough, and Klausing. Rule disapproved, 2-3.
<br />Rule 15: Roll Call, Ayes: Schroeder, Kough, and Kysylyczyn.
<br />