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Another measure of economic well-being is poverty status as set by the federal <br />government. In 1989 the average threshold was $12,674 [source: 1990 Census] for a family <br />of four, rising to $ 18,250 by 1998 (30% of inedian income) [source: HUD]. Roseville's <br />poverty status (3.5%) is well below County, State, Metro area and national levels. <br />IS�i 623 �nrailment VS City of �losewilte Popul�n & <br />Households i960•20tt0 <br />40000 <br />3000(} <br />2�00 <br />10000 <br />0 <br />1960 <br />1970 1980 1990 1995 2050 <br />Saurce: Cammuni�y D��ppp@M DgRg/�lel� ISD 823 <br />�� Residents <br />�� Households <br />�'==Students <br />Today, Roseville has over 15,100 housing units. Based on the remaining developable land, <br />Roseville may see an increase of approximately 700 housing units in the next twenty years. <br />Most of the ��s>r�,a�ning developable residential land is multi-family housing, which <br />increases housing units while decreasing the number of residents per household (nursing <br />homes, 700 units, are not included in these projections). School population (ISD 623) has <br />remained relatively stable over the last 15 years at approximately 6700 students of which <br />approximately 80% live in the City of Roseville. <br />Roseville Comprehensive Plan — 2001 Update The Land and its People -Page 17 of 24 <br />