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��� " <br />November 15, 2001 <br />ZO WEKM IT MAY CbNCERN: <br />I sn a retii�ed fisefighter fro►n the ROSeyi].l,e F�e Deptu�ment, <br />who put in tw�enty years of serv�ce with ti�e department. I think <br />whatyouhavedoneto the r2tiree's is S 8hane. Yvu used <br />the excuse of terrorism to kick them out of the department, <br />saying w�e leave the doors andwindowopenandunlocked. If you <br />would t a k e notice w�e w�ere t h e cn+es Who loCked up snd c 1 e a n e d up . <br />When they needed scrneone to cut gress, c�� did theycallbutthe <br />retiree'S. When they needed saneone to take in a truck for se=vice <br />they called the retiree's. Whentheyneeded sansonetoopenup <br />a station for contractors and stay with them, who did they call, but <br />the retiree's, and what did w�e get in return. We t�ere told <br />we can only come into the station for 1/2 hour and only if there <br />was a firefighter there. What a big insult that is to all of <br />the retiree's. <br />Your problem with lour stations are within. You dY�2 the ones <br />thatleavedoors andwindowopen. The deputy Chiefs leav�e their <br />sqad carsparked in there d'riveways at hans $11 day and night <br />and•`�nafi..iloCked up in a garage. Why are there firefighters, <br />when on watch take the fire trucks over tl Blerlls to get <br />lunch, or at night to Countryside for dinner. We used to <br />doshoppingbeforewe cmeonduty. We put a kitchen in the <br />station for this reason. Saneone might put a barib in one of <br />the trucks, this is not the fault of a retiree. <br />I have been proud to be a Roseville Firefighter, and prrnxi of the <br />whole deparhnent. We have given hundreds of lears of service <br />to the City of Roseville, giving up family holidays, dinners, <br />not to mention, getting up in the middle of the night wheather <br />it was raining, snawing or 50 belaw zero to protect the <br />City of Rosevillle. A threatora security issue I thinknot. <br />All your problems are withi:�. There are alot of young retiree's <br />that could be of big help, if there were an attack ori our citl. <br />There is no other fire departrnent around us that are tx�ating their <br />retiree's like this. I have friends andrelatives onvarious <br />d�parhnents wY� think this is a big joke, and tell us to cane <br />to their stationtohave coffee andwashourcars. <br />