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CITY—OF—ROSEVILLE—ADMIN 65149022�6 P.02i02 <br />31, 2001 <br />,��t1 of Roseville <br />Reoeeville, Minuesota 55113 <br />To the Mayor, Council Members arid City Administrator, <br />� <br />Below you will find d letter I sent to each of the Chiefs of the <br />Roseville Fire Department. Ae�you know the family members access to <br />the fire stations has been cuC back drasticall1 and the retireee access <br />has been terminated completel1. Thie is m1 responee to the polic1 the <br />Chief's put forth. F0�'those of 1ou who don't know me, I wae a member <br />of the FireDepartment for 22 yeare and am presently Che Secretary of <br />the Roeeville Fire Department Relief Aaaociation. So as 1ou can see I <br />wae ver1 involved in the fire department and am still involved. I had <br />ver1 much appreciated the acce99 that we retirees had at the stations <br />to aee each other and the e==isting members. Now that h�� all come to a <br />halt under the pretense of the changes in the world aimce September 11, <br />2001. <br />Roeeville Fire Department <br />Roseville, 1�Iinnesota 55113 <br />To the Chiefs of the Roseville Fire Departinent <br />Re: Accese to the fire �tatlons. <br />I am very disappointed in the action taken by this �dminf�tratlOri <br />against the retirees and families having access to the fire stations. <br />In m1 opinion, 1ou have hurt the future involvement of the fire <br />department with the retirees. I understand the world situation has <br />changed and the general public has to be watched more closel1r however <br />I don't feel we retirees and famil1 are the general public. We <br />retirees have all spent man1 hours at the fire stations over the 1ears <br />�a members and now all of a eudden we can't be trusted. I trul1 hope <br />that 1ou reconsider the action 1ou have takezz for the future of the <br />department. You may feel you don�t need the retireep and that maybe <br />S0. But I am moet certain that to have a fire department �Cbat members <br />arc proud of, 1ou need happ1 families and that wont happen under this <br />polic1. <br />Sincerel1r <br />Lynn H. Kap�un <br />4510 Oakhurst Avenue <br />Vadnaie Heights, 1�Iinnesota 5512� <br />Phone 65 � -429-1226 <br />TI'1Ti11 n n� <br />