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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />DATE: 1 /28/02 <br />ITEM NO: �I H <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br />Item Description: Concurrence with Renewal of Legal Services Agreements <br />BACKGROUND <br />In 1998, the City sent out an RFP for legal services. Following an extensive review <br />process, the City Council approved two agreements: One with Campbell Knutson (Joel <br />Jamnik) for civil legal services, such as legal opinions and drafting contracts and other <br />kinds of legal representation at Council Meetings, and a second agreement with Jensen <br />Bell (Carolyn Bell Beckman and Shari Jacobus) for misdemeanor prosecution services. <br />The City's policy regarding professional service agreements is attached. It is not the <br />clearest policy one will ever find. However, among other things, it says that the City <br />Council shall approve the selection of all firms; at least the initial selection of <br />professional service providers shall be through a competitive RFP process; and that, <br />subject to certain exceptions, no professional service provider shall be engaged for a <br />period longer than two three-year agreements. <br />POLICY OBJECTIVE <br />Act consistent with the Council's approved policy for professional service agreements. <br />FINANCIAL IMPLICATION <br />The fees charged by our current law firms are competitive with those in the metro area. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />The Police Chief and I support renewing the agreement for criminal misdemeanor <br />prosecution services from Jensen Bell. <br />I and all Department Heads support renewing the agreement for civil legal services from <br />Campbell Knutson. <br />In addition, I recommend that in the future: <br />We evaluate the cost-benefit of hiring our own in-house city prosecutor and city <br />attorney as contrasted with contracting out for these services; <br />If we do decide to continue contracting out for legal services, then issue a <br />comprehensive RFP and carefully evaluate all proposals from the standpoint of <br />quality and cost. <br />ALTERNATIVES <br />1. The Council could decide to direct staff to issue an RFP for legal services <br />now. Advantages include finding out if any law firm will significantly reduce its <br />rates to attract our business. Disadvantages include the disruption and loss of <br />continuity of possibly changing attorneys when we are satisfied with our <br />current attorneys, they are up to speed on city issues, and their rates are <br />competitive. <br />