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�.. �. <br />. , , <br />��i-�e-�@��1�t�.o� ��.o i,,.a„�.� ��,,,n ,.,,.+ �.o ,. .oa <br />� sT��1=fFT�!!!�'J;f.T.fF - <br />�� �� <br />�� �� <br />��� �� <br />f!�1l9.T!!f!J!!�� <br />EI. Hearing and Notice: Revocation or suspension of a license by the city council shall be <br />preceded by a public hearing conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section <br />340A.415. The city council sha11 conduct the hearing. The hearing notice sha11 be given <br />at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing include notice of the time and place of the <br />hearing and shall state the nature of the charges against the licensee. (Ord. 1243, 11-27- <br />2000) <br />Section 3. Section 302.16 is added to the Roseville City Code and reads as follows: <br />302.16: COMPLIANCE CHECKS: <br />A. The City shall conduct unannounced compliance checks at last three times each <br />calendar vear at each licensed location. <br />B. Each licensed location that successfullv combletes three unannounced <br />checks bv the Citv durin the calendar year sha11 ha�e their name published in the <br />Citv's official newspaper notin� their successful inspections. <br />98288 <br />