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Page Two - <br />Whereas, The CRWD WMP prescribes that it is not the intent of the CRWD to develop a <br />permitting process independent of the LGUs unless necessary to achieve the goals of the <br />WMP, and <br />Whereas, it is the intent of the CRWD to rely on cooperation with LGUs and LGU <br />permitting authorities and procedures to achieve non-point pollution control within the <br />watershed, and <br />Whereas, It is in the best interest of the LGUs and CRWD to cooperate and coordinate <br />on a11 activities that will effect the protection and conservation of water resources with in <br />the CRWD, and <br />Whereas, the CRWD desires the opportunity for input in the land development review, <br />permitting and enforcement activities of LGUs to better understand the e�sting controls <br />of LGUs for water resource conservation and protection and better discern the need for <br />and/or content of future Rule promulgation to govern LGU activities, and <br />Whereas, the CRWD desires an effective and efficient exchange of information relevant <br />to the protection and conservation of water resources. <br />Now Therefore Be It Resolved, <br />All parties to this agreement desire that the following activities shall be executed by the <br />CRWD with the cooperation of the other parties'for the betterment of water resources <br />within the CRWD: <br />General Stormwater Mana�ement Concerns <br />"Site plan reviews" for one acre or larger sized development sites <br />a) Examine surface and groundwater impacts and assist in the design for <br />protective activities/requirements and insure that the goals and objectives <br />of the WNIl' are achieved. <br />b) The CRWD will complete their review within 15 calendar days of receipt <br />of the site plan from the permitting body. <br />2. All rezoning requests where it is anticipated that potential total impervious <br />surface area will be increased by 25% or where there will be an increase in <br />impervious surface area in excess of one acre or hazards materials will be used <br />or generated. <br />a) Px�a��i.�� advice on the environmental effects a specific rezoning request <br />may present to water resources. <br />b) The CRWD will complete their review within 30 calendar days of receipt <br />of the rezoning request from the zoning authority. <br />