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Application Request Proiect Description <br />The Project that we are requesting funding for is an internal loop multi-use pathway <br />within Rosebrook Park. Rosebrook Park is an e�sting community park conveniently <br />located at the intersection of County Road C and Snelling Avenue. The Park is currently <br />undergoing a major face-lift as part of our internal Park Improvement Program. The re- <br />design includes the construction of two soccer fields, new parking facilities, a new <br />accessible park structure, re-building the existing tennis courts, a neighborhood ball field, <br />a new basketball facility, and the loop trail that we are requesting funding for. The entire <br />process will be phased in over several years, we started last year with new accessible play <br />equipment, and will continue this year with the soccer field improvements, the ball <br />diamond, part of the new parking facilities, and the new loop trail. <br />The City of Roseville feels this project is a good fit for your Outdoor Recreation Grant <br />Program for several reasons. The park is currently used very extensively by the <br />neighborhood and entire community, and will remain a multi-use park with the proposed <br />changes; it also occupies one of the most heavily used regional transportation corridors in <br />Ramsey County. Due to this location, the proposed loop trail connects the park to the <br />e�sting trails on Snelling Avenue and has quick access to the trail on County Road C, <br />both provide major access to our trail system and access to other Regional trails. The <br />location of the park is also key in that it is a neighbor to two facilities that will become <br />major users, the Sunrise Condominium Complex, and The Press Gym. Sunrise <br />Condominiums are a senior facility and the trail will provide a recreation outlet for them <br />and direct access to all of the facilities, The Press Gym is a health Club located just south <br />of the park that the City is working in partnership with to help improve parking facilities, <br />and whose clients are potential major users of the trail. We are also stressing accessibility <br />in the new park with accessible play equipment and the new park shelter improvements. <br />The proposed trail is appro�mately 2,100 feet long, and will be an 8' wide asphalt trail as <br />per our standard pathway improvement program. The trail will connect to the e�sting <br />multi-use trail on Snelling Avenue on both the north and south sides of the park (see <br />concept plan enclosed). The cost of the project for trail construction and landscaping is <br />projected to be $25,000.00, and is proposed for this year's park improvement. <br />Thank You for Your Consideration, <br />fr . enson <br />ar je Coordinator <br />
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