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City Council Minutes — 04/1 5l02 <br />Page 6 <br />mentioned 896 sq. ft. building.) Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Klausing, Kough, Schroeder and Kysylyczyn. Nays: <br />none. <br />B. Community Development Department Request for <br />Council Consistency Determination on a Revised Site <br />Plan & Building Elevation for ASINSI at Lexington <br />and Roselawn (PF3224) <br />Schroeder moved, Kysylyczyn seconded, the <br />determination that the April 10, 2002 Revised Site Plan <br />& Building Elevation for ASINSI at Le�ngton and <br />Roselawn (PF3224) is inconsistent with the approved <br />plan of March 4, 2002. <br />Welsch overviewed this matter. Schroeder explained the <br />need for sending the case back for public oDmment. <br />Klausing asked why the site plan had changed so much <br />from that conceptual site plan unanimously approved by <br />the Council on March 4th. Kough commented in favor of <br />immediate development of the project. <br />Michael Cronin, developer, spoke about community <br />support and speedy development. Cronin stated he will <br />agree to e�end the 60-day concept project review <br />timeline indefinitely. <br />Klausing noted that speed favors moving forward with <br />the March 4`h unanimous Council decision. Kough <br />spoke in favor of speed. Joan Fisher, resident, spoke in <br />favor of the project. <br />Schroeder withdrew his motion, then: <br />Klausing moved, Schroeder seconded, to make the <br />determination of the need for additional neighborhood <br />and public input at the May l, 2002 Planning <br />Commission public hearing. Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, <br />Kough, Schroeder and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />Revised Site Plan <br />ASI/VSI <br />Lexington & Roselawn <br />