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City Council Minutes — 04/22/02 <br />Page 2 <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Kough and Maschka. Nays: <br />Schroeder and Kysylyczyn. <br />L Presentations <br />. I3 Project Timelioe <br />Beets and Schwartz presented. <br />Kysylyczyn moved, Kough seconded, to adopt the <br />timeline. Kysylyczyn asked for Council input. <br />Kough asked if the Council would be involved <br />throughout design efforts. Beets said yes. <br />Schroeder asked about an RFP process for design <br />professionals. Beets said staff would contact design <br />professionals and make a recommendation to the Council <br />by May 6 so that prograintning and design work could <br />get underway quickly and in earnest. <br />Maschka asked about the cost of the preliminary design <br />work. Beets estimated $30,000 to $50,000 to develop <br />designs sufficient to enable us to produce good, reliable <br />cost figures to be used by the Council in setting the bond <br />referendum language. <br />Burrell asked about opportunities for public input into <br />the space and facility needs issues. <br />Kysylyczyn indicated that citizens could comment at <br />anytime along the timeline where Council Members had <br />an opportunity to comment. <br />Roll Call on the motion to approve the timeline, Ayes: <br />Klausing, Kough, Maschka, Schroeder and Kysylyczyn. <br />Nays: none. <br />. MN for FACE, Campaign Finance Reform <br />This item was not discussed. <br />. Moratorium on Sex Related Businesses <br />Kysylyczyn reviewed the history of this effort. <br />Jamnik overviewed the moratorium ordinance, including <br />the length of the proposed moratorium, which is <br />proposed to be in effect until July 1, 2002. <br />I3 Project timetine <br />MN for FACE <br />Campaign Finance <br />Moratorium on Sex <br />Related Businesses <br />