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Extract of Draft 1�Tinutes from Planning Commission meeting of 1�Tay l, 2002: <br />Planning File 3224: A request by Accessible Space Inc. and VSI Construction for consideration <br />of a revised General Concept Plan for a planned unit development to allow construction of a <br />three-story 22-unit handicapped housing and a three-story 16,000 square foot general office <br />building on the 2-acre site at the southeast comer of Le�ngton Avenue and Roselawn Avenue. <br />Chairman Duncan opened the hearing and requested City Planner Thomas Paschke <br />provide a summary of the project report dated May l, 2002. <br />On April 15, 2002 the City Council determined that the proposed amended General <br />Concept Plan for the Lexington and Roselawn site should receive a second public hearing <br />and requested a Planning Commission recommendation. <br />Thomas Paschke described the two site plans (March 4 and April 15, 2002). <br />Generally the revised (April 15') plan places the supportive housing slightly further from <br />Roselawn Avenue (27 feet); places the office structure appro�mately 70 feet behind (east <br />o fl the Lexington Avenue property line and 50 feet from (south o fl the Roselawn Avenue <br />property line; increased the office structure height to three stories; and places the parking <br />lot nearest the street. <br />The email messages received from Lois Forsblad and Debra Brown were submitted to the <br />Planning Commission by Thomas Paschke. <br />Thomas Paschke described the process of review from the City Council. <br />Chair Troy Duncan asked if March office and April housing could be recommended to <br />the Council (Yes). <br />Mike Cronin and Dan Billmark, Accessible Space, reviewed the process, noting the <br />Council concurred with the Planning Commission on uses, but asked the developer to <br />review setbacks and pond locations. <br />As the developers tried to respect normally required setbacks along Lexington, the <br />Council liked the 27-foot Roselawn Avenue setback with modified pond. The developers <br />rearranged the site based on setbacks along Lexington, then created a smaller, but taller <br />office-building footprint with three stories. This conformed to some Council concerns of <br />providing a more suburban site plan. <br />Chair Duncan asked Mr. Cronin which was preferred. Mr. Cronin prefers the April 15 <br />site plan. The housing is further from the street and protects the view of the neighbor to <br />the east. The office is more typical of what is developed along suburban corners (similar <br />to 1950- 1960 development). <br />Member Cunningham asked for more information on tenant security with sheltered <br />parking between buildings. Is there more parking security in front or behind the <br />building? Brent Thompson noted that security has not been an issue; the parking lot will <br />be well lighted. <br />Member Olson asked if the "L" shaped building with parking in front would ha�e <br />worked? Mr. Thompson said the issue with the some Council members was the setback <br />