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(2) Sex acts, normal or perverted, actual or <br />simulated, including intercourse, oral <br />copulation, or sodomy; <br />�3� Masturbation, actual or simulated; or <br />(4) Excretory functions as part of or in <br />connection with any of the activities set forth <br />in (1) through (3) above. <br />SEXUALLY ORIENTED The offering of retail goods for sale which are classified <br />USES - ACCESSORY: as se�ually oriented uses on a limited scale and which are <br />incidental to the primary activity and goods and/or services <br />offered by the establishment. Examples of such items include <br />the sale of se�ually oriented books or magazines, or the sale <br />and/or rental of sexually oriented motion pictures, the sale of <br />se�ually oriented novelties. <br />SEXUALLY ORIENTED The offering of goods and/or services which are classified as <br />USES - PRINCIPAL: se�ually oriented uses as a primary or sole activity of a <br />business or establishment and include, but are not limited to <br />the following: <br />A. Escor� A person who, for consideration, agrees or <br />offers to act as a companion, guide, or date for <br />another person, or who agrees or offers to privately <br />model lingerie or to privately perform a striptease for <br />another person. <br />B. Escort A�ency. A person or business association <br />who furnishes, offers to furnish, or advertises to <br />furnish escorts as one of its primary business <br />purposes, for a fee, tip, or other consideration. <br />C. Establishment. Means and includes any of the <br />following: <br />(1) The opening or commencement of any <br />se�ually oriented business as a new business; <br />(2) The conversion of an e�sting business, <br />whether or not a se�ually oriented business, to <br />any se�ually oriented business; <br />�3� The addition of any sexually oriented <br />business to any other existing sexually <br />oriented business; or <br />iooi�� 2 <br />