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NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cities hereby, by act of �their <br />City Councils, enter into this supplementary Joint Powers Agreement to furnish <br />assistance to each other upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, as follows: <br />1, Each city may authorize its offi.cers to seekmembership on the Tactical Team <br />under the applicationprocedures and requirements specified by the Roseville <br />Police Department, and the cities sha11 cooperatively budget for and equip <br />their respective team member participants. <br />2. All training and equipmentrequirements, and command and operational <br />protocols, shall be established by the Roseville Police Department. <br />3. Each Cities' Police Chief or designee may request the services of the Tactical <br />Team. <br />4. All activities of the Tactical Team sha11 be under the direction of the Team <br />Leader. Each City shall continue to be responsible for its own personnel, <br />equipment, and for inj uries or death to any such personnel or damage to any <br />such equipment. Each City's personnel shall be deemed to be performing their <br />regular duties for the City. Insurance coverage and any financial <br />compensation shall be the responsibility of each party for its own personnel <br />and equipment. Each party waives the right to sue the other party for any <br />worker's compensation benefits paid to its own employee or volunteer even if <br />the injuries were caused wholly or partially by the negligence of any other <br />party, its officers, employees, or volunteers. <br />5. No charge shall be made to either party for assistance rendered under this <br />Agreement. Provided, however, that in the event the City that is requesting <br />assistance under this Agreement is reimbursed for said personnel, equipment, <br />or any other costs, from a party or parties responsible for the emergency, or <br />otherwise reimbursed by a third party source, then reimbursement, on a pro- <br />rata basis, shall be made to the responding party for any equipment or <br />personnel charges. Proper written documentation of expenses must <br />accompany a request for reimbursement. <br />6. The Cities agree to indemnify and defend one another against claims brought <br />or actions filed against one of the participantsto this Agreement or any <br />officers, employees, or volunteers thereof, for injury or death to any third <br />person or persons, or damage to the property of third persons, arising out of <br />the performance of services under this Agreement. <br />7. The duty to indemnify and defend under this Agreement shall rest with the <br />City where the incident giving rise to the duty to indemnify and defend <br />occurs. The duty to defend and indemnify under this Agreement is subjectto <br />the liability limits under Chapter 466, Minnesota Statutes. The purpose of <br />creating these reciprocal duties to defend and indemnify is to simplify the <br />