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Please stateyour reasonsfor wanting to serve on the Commission/Committee�Task Force: <br />(Please be as specific aspossible - use additional sheet if r�ecessary) <br />With my background inpublic works planning and f nancing, I would expect to be a <br />competent team worker aspart of the commission. It would alsopermit me to contribute <br />directly to maintainingand improvingthepublic infrastructure ofRoseville. <br />What is your view of the role of this Commission/Committee/Task Force? <br />While specifics regarding the role of the Commission, have not been made public about <br />the Council's expectations, I would view the role of this Commission to be primarily <br />advisory to the Council. I would also work cooperativelywith Staff and other <br />Commission members as public works issues are reviewed. <br />Other Comments: (Includeanyfurther informationyou would like the City Council to <br />consider or thatyoufeel is relevant to the appointmentyou are seeking. You may also <br />attach other materzalsyou would like the Council to consider.) <br />Tennessen Warning - Some or all the information that you are asked to provide is classifiedby State law <br />as either private or confidential. Private data is information that generally cannot be given to the public but <br />can be given to the subject of the data. Confidential data is information that generally cannotbe given to <br />either the public or the subject of the data. The City of Roseville is collecting the information to detennine <br />qualif'ications to serve on a CitizenAdvisory Commission. You are not legally required to provide this <br />information. However, if you do not supply the information, you may not serve on a Citizen Advisory <br />Commission. <br />Other persons or entities authorizedby law to receive this information are City Council members, staff, <br />residents of Roseville and interested others. <br />I understand: <br />This application is public information. <br />I will be invited to an interview by the City Council that may be audio or video <br />taped. <br />This application may be discussed at a public meeting. <br />� April 4,2002 <br />Signature Date <br />Edward L. Burrell <br />