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SENT �'f�� OF �iN + 6-19- 2; 13�48 ; C►V[L ENGINEERING-, 6514942276�# 2/ 2 <br />Fl�c af�rG� �unr K�lrr� fi�dr' winl�n� 1� e�.ve nn �c L'�m��lo��mmdt�oer�.#k Fo�ae: <br />�f'�fsrrse �e' �4 Sp�C�{�� cLr �ar{��e - �rx�.'rr�idi�oll�� skdtic�f ���} <br />�i�. � �+ � �-� � �� �'� � � 'i � �f'C � � �"I�i � �1 � <br />— - — - — �� <br />-��....«_1� - - � �rr � - � - T r� � _"i <br />�� ���,� � �i �� r�� �r��� �����r��r��rr�x ���f <br />_ �+��� �+'�`+'��+��C�� L �r��c� �+e+ti���D ��� � � � <br />_ �''�'ti'��r ���$��T' �' �2��ti� � �L �T�P1�]��� f���ArTi �� � <br />1�"r��r� � , <br />OtherC�mments: (Includemyfurtheritrforn:ation,yauwouldlikefheCityCouncilto+�+P��-or <br />tiuet,you�1 is ietevunt an the ap�wirtttn�nt yvu arc� x�rk��. You �y uT,sr� uttcr��h uther matr�ialx yv:r <br />wottCd til.e the Cauncil ��r consider,) <br />'C'enae�uen Warning - Some ¢r all lhc inferrnation that �+u arc askcd to htuvide is cl�6sit�icd by State law as e,�ith�r private <br />c�r confidentia{. Priv�te data is int'4r�ntitinn thut benartilly caxnnot be �iven to thC public I,,ut can be �ivtn � the aubjeCt of <br />the dbta. Cunfidetltixl data is infurm,'�Clun that gcner�!!y c;answt he givcn to cither thc public or ihc subj��ct of �h� dntu. <br />The �►ty o f Rosevilic is collectingihe ihfonnativn to dctcrminc quoliJ i�sia� to �yr� on a Citi�en Adv'l8ory Commission. <br />You � not ��I�{ reyui�ci � provide �W information. Ht�w�vcr, if yuu do not supplythe informution yau �ti�� not gervc <br />on x ��t��n AdYiaory Commission. <br />Other �5crxpns or �niltics IIulhori�ed by law to ru;�yve tltiti informxtia� urc City CounCil numbcrs, stttCf. �esidCnts of <br />ttoseviile and inleresttd �thecs. <br />I underQt�ud: <br />. This application is public�m�ti�� <br />+� w�� bC u�vltCd fio an interview hy the City C4unci2 t%at may be audio or vuieo t�iped. <br />•�ia �]icatMC�n ma� bc �9�ay�d as � public mcetin�- <br />W'+�� �'4�� � �' �� � � � �- <br />�.�-� <br />Sigcialure ofA�plicant l� ofApplication <br />4.�,++�•�a•�ppE•o�ax xs*i�?�+� <br />