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940,900 on each floor, or 3 to 4 stories of building. These examples assume that each site has <br />adequate parking to meet the demands of the uses developed on the site.) <br />5.6 A Planned Unit Development (PUD) should be required for any master plan or building or <br />site plan expansion that increases by more than 10% over the existing master plan which <br />consists of the improvements on the site as of January 1, 2000. <br />6.0 PLANNING C01�T1�TISSION REC01�T1�TENDATIONS <br />On October 2, 2002, The Planning Commission recommended improvements 5.1 through <br />5.6 (above) be sent to the Council for further study and discussion, after which the Council <br />could request the Planning Commission to hold hearings on specific topics or clarifications <br />of Code language. <br />7.0 SUGGESTED COUNCII, ACTION <br />Discuss and provide direction. <br />Attachments: Spreadsheet comparison and diagrams <br />Prepared by: Dennis Welsch (490-2232) <br />\\Victa'ia\CanmDCv�Pllnntng F11CS� 150-3 199�3192�CA- Building and Lot Coverage (102 102)doc <br />