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Addendum to letter addressing space needs of the Roseville Historical Society. <br />The intent of this addendum is strictly meant as a snapshot of what some of the other local <br />historical societies receive in the way of space and funding from their communities. <br />Little Carrada Historica! Society <br />• Operates in a new, approximately 2000 sq ft addition onto city hall. The addition was <br />primarily funded with city funds. The historical society is currently paying back the <br />city primarily through nights of charitable gambling. The city currently pays all <br />utilities. <br />Maplewood Area Historica/ Society <br />• The Society operates the Bruentrup Farm, which is owned by the City of Maplewood. <br />The first floor, barn and outbuildings are open with displays. <br />North S!. Paril Hrstvrical Society <br />The Society operates a small museum, which was built back in 1987 for <br />approximately $ I 30,000.00. These funds were raised mostly with grants, donations <br />from local organizations and fundraising. They receive an approximately $3,000.00 a <br />year stipend from the City of North St. Paul to help cover operating expenses. The <br />Society is in much need of more space; the city has tentatively offered to give them <br />extra space in the old fire hall if a new bond referendum is passed to build a new one. <br />White Bear Lake Area Hrstorical Society <br />• The WBLAHS has been sole occupants of the old White Bear Depot for the last 1.5 <br />years, which is owned by the City of White Bear Lake. <br />Shoreview Historical Society <br />The City of Shoreview currently supplies the Shoreview Historical Society with free <br />meeting space in its community center, pays the cost of a climate controlled 12 x 20 <br />storage space for their artifacts (estimated value $3,000.00 per year). The City also <br />was instrumental in procuring the financing for the purchase of the Art Larson <br />homestead, which is currently being renovated to original condition. The society will <br />be able to display artifacts as well as hold functions and tours at the site once it is <br />completed. <br />New Brightofi Historical Society <br />• The New Brighton Historical Society operates a train depot museum. T'he old New <br />Brighton depot and caboose were donated to them. The site on which it sits is Ramsey <br />County park property. Last year they were given approximately a$1,000.00 stipend <br />from the city to help pay utility costs. <br />