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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
11/4/2010 2:13:46 PM
Creation date
11/4/2010 2:13:28 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Chair DeBenedet advised that both he and Mr. Schwartz had been involved in the <br />Recycling provider interviews, and they would report rather on that process. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that the City Council had awarded the contract to Eureka <br />Recycling, based on the information they received, which was also included in <br />tonight's PWET Commission agenda materials, with ranking information based <br />on community values provided by the PWET Commission, using the Best Value <br />scoring approach. Mr. Schwartz reviewed the comprehensive process used in <br />evaluating the four (4) proposals received, criteria used for ranking, and their <br />subsequent ranking; and the determination that Eureka was the overall best value <br />after taking into account different financial analyses. <br />Chair DeBenedet reviewed the bids, revenue sharing; quality of proposals <br />received and the amount of detail; presentation of documentation; and supporting <br />data provided; and the superiority of the Eureka proposal compared to the other <br />proposals. Chair DeBenedet opined that it was obvious that Eureka was serious <br />about the entire recycling process to the end product. <br />Discussion included continuation of the single- stream recycling process at this <br />time; submission of more than one proposal by several of the firms based on term <br />of service and type of collection and whether or not they included revenue <br />sharing; trends for future bids and validity of criteria for ranking those bids; <br />compliance with community values in reviewing those bids; and how proposals <br />were scored and ranked based on the Best Value process and individual <br />interpretations. <br />It was the consensus of members that they were pleased with the outcome, and <br />about their participation in the process. <br />Recess <br />Chair DeBenedet recessed the meeting at approximately 7:50 p.m. and reconvened at <br />approximately 7:57 p.m. <br />7. Follow -Up Discussion on Library Tour <br />Chair DeBenedet sought comment from members on their tour of the Roseville <br />branch of the Ramsey County Library last month; and future storm water <br />management options for Roseville in encouraging developers to be proactive in <br />similar management practices. Chair DeBenedet suggested that City Engineer <br />Debra Bloom and local Watershed Districts encourage developers to pursue <br />Leadership, Energy, Environmental Design- (LEED)- certified projects, <br />particularly in the Twin Lakes Redevelopment area. <br />Member Vanderwall suggested that developers, early in the application and /or <br />permitting process with the City, be made aware of exemplary sites already in the <br />community and /or area, such as the library, established rain gardens, and other <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />
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