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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
6/20/2011 8:54:04 AM
Creation date
11/19/2010 2:16:43 PM
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Public Works Commission
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Member Stenlund noted the need for practical considerations, as an example, <br />where will the snow be stored, or how handled on a specific site. <br />Member Vanderwall noted the PWET Commission may have a vested interest in <br />what a resident or business owner was putting on their driveway, based on the <br />upcoming agenda item on use of PAH and water quality impacts. Member <br />Vanderwall further noted the need to be aware of changing technologies and <br />things that have become common practice today that were not even available or <br />considered in the past. Member Vanderwall noted the value of recent field trips <br />to view pathways, intersections, and /or storm water options and operational <br />practicalities. <br />Member Stenlund noted the need to provide environmental benefits for the future <br />community at large by making it green for tomorrow's generation, rather than <br />continuing to take, take, take. Member Stenlund reiterated his opinion that the <br />PWET Commission review fit into the timing before DRC staff reports go to the <br />Planning Commission, whether at a public level, or through creation of a review <br />checklist between the application and DRC; allowing for additional information to <br />be requested. Member Stenlund noted that most land in Roseville was developed, <br />and with people doing in -fill development, it would create unique situations for <br />consideration. <br />Member Vanderwall suggested that Mr. Trudgeon and Mr. Schwartz <br />cooperatively develop a draft document listing the review criteria, addressing both <br />the Planning Department and PWET Commission considerations, using tonight's <br />discussion and based on past cases. Member Vanderwall suggested that this list <br />then be provided to the PWET Commission at a future meeting for further <br />discussion, and possible additional items; and then back to staff for their reaction <br />and input. Member Vanderwall opined that the list be kept as simple as possible. <br />Member Stenlund concurred, noting the need to be proactive in protecting the <br />City's overall best interests rather than the interests of those seeking to use land in <br />Roseville. <br />Member Gj erdingen suggested that review by the PWET Commission of staff <br />reports to the Planning Commission could be used as a filter through which to <br />determine if the PWET Commission needed to be involved. Member Gj erdingen <br />expressed support for involvement in developing review criteria to determine <br />which cases needed to be heart by the PWET Commission, expressing his trust of <br />staff in their review process, but providing initial and proactive review of larger <br />proj ects. <br />Chair DeBenedet opined that review of certain projects by the PWET <br />Commission, based on the list of criteria, could be incorporated into the formal <br />review process, alerting the Planning Commission and City Council of that <br />Page 8 of 14 <br />
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