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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, October 25, 2010 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Mayor Klausing closed the Public Hearing at 6:38 p.m. <br /> City Engineer Debra Bloom addressed those drainage concerns expressed; noting <br /> that any future development of the lot(s) would require a permit from Rice Creek <br /> Watershed District as well as the City when a Building Permit application was <br /> submitted, but not at this platting level, since even though it is under an acre, it <br /> was adjacent to a protected wetland and that the developer would need to be in- <br /> compliance. <br /> At the request of Mayor Klausing, Ms. Bloom responded to concerns with exist- <br /> ing drainage issues, noting that this was a low point on Chatsworth, and concur- <br /> ring with the location of two catch basins as described by residents, and their <br /> presentation of the area's drainage. Ms. Bloom advised that the area was part of <br /> the City's comprehensive surface water management system, and that staff was <br /> aware of problems in the area, thus their rationale for applying the condition for <br /> approval. <br /> Councilmember Johnson observed that if the subdivision was approved and given <br /> drainage issues and not changing the natural drainage flow, it seemed prohibitive <br /> that a building be located on the front of that lot; or questioned what other reme- <br /> dies were available to mediate water flow; and questioned if rain gardens could <br /> work on this lot or if the topography was too severe. <br /> Ms. Bloom advised that any future improvements would need to be reviewed to <br /> ensure that they didn't block drainage and that outlets were at elevations similar <br /> to those today, with no grading permitted that would increase the elevation; but <br /> that the lot(s) could be re- graded to make a drainage swale work; but that rain <br /> gardens would not work as they usually could only facilitate 1" rains. <br /> Ms. Bloom expressed appreciation for the knowledge provided by residents com- <br /> pared to and consistent with her observations from walking the site. <br /> Further discussion included assurances required and standards applied by staff in <br /> granting administrative approval, such as any grading plans that could change the <br /> topography; location of future structures and how drainage would be accommo- <br /> dated; overland flow of water on this lot to move water to the wetland on the <br /> west; and options, including biofiltration, to treat storm water; sufficient drainage <br /> and existing swales; calculations to ensure a swale is adequately sized to move <br /> water; use of existing pipe versus installing a new pipe; and utility easements in <br /> place on both sides. <br /> Councilmember Roe clarified that, if the applicant could not come up with a plan, <br /> as detailed in Condition A, for City approval, would the subdivision become void. <br />