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<br />-2- <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Village of Roseville has been infonned that <br />the rental policies on the eight ice arenas will place in jeopardy the <br />financing of Aldrich Arena. and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the result of the less than sound financial manage- <br />ment program for ice arenas established by 1969 Legislature and the <br />1971 Ramsey County Board will mean that: <br /> <br />1) The cost of the ice arenas built under the 1969 <br />Special Ice Arena Act will be borne by direct taxes <br />Q1 all the property taxpayers in Ramsey County <br /> <br />2) The Aldrich Arena deficit created by the 1971 County <br />Board actioo on ice rental at $25 per hour will be <br />placed on the property tax load of all Ramsey County <br />taxpayers <br /> <br />3) The Roseville Arena deficit created by the 1971 County <br />Board acticn on ice rental of $25 per hour will be placed <br />on the property tax load of all Roseville Village taxpayers; <br />and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, these unreasonable and urmecessary tax loads are <br />established by actions outside the control of the Roseville Village <br />Council; namely, the 1969 State Legislature, and the 1971 Ramsey <br />County Board; <br /> <br />NOW, nIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roseville Village <br />Council makes fonnal protest of the lack of conmunications; plarming <br />and fiscal management by the Ramsey County Board and the Ramsey <br />County delegation in the Legislature; <br /> <br />AND BE IT FURnIER RESOLVED, that Senator Ashbach, Representative <br />Bell, Representative Andersen and Commissioner Salverda be requested <br />to meet with the Rosevil1e Villaae Council to advise the Council on <br />programs which can be considered to avoid the placing of additicnal <br />property taxes on the Rosevi1le taxpayers in light of Legislative <br />and COlDlty actions. <br /> <br />The motial for the adoption of the foregoing reso1utim was <br />duly seconded by MEMBER Anderson and upcn vote being taken <br />the following voted in favor thereof: All Present <br /> <br />and the following voted against same: None <br /> <br />WHEREUPON, Said resolutim was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />