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Rosevile Human Rights Conum"ssion essay Contest <br />b <br />Annalee Baker <br />"Everyone has the right to fteedorn of thought, conscience, and religion: <br />this right includes freedom to change his religion, or beliefandfteedom either <br />alone or in community with others and in public or in private to manifest his <br />religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance., <br />That Is what ft says In "The Universal Decimation of Hinnan Rights", article 18. But are we <br />tv practicing what we preach?" Some. people don*t think so. It says public or private. 11 but <br />does that apply to our policy of the public school system where refi is re Should arficle <br />give people the right to pray, and express religious opinions In school? Right now it is not legal for <br />public schools to teach a certain religion. Our public school system is supposed to be of gra <br />religions, a place where children can be educated w4t out concern to religious beliefs. Yet many <br />people are working to change this law and allow cWldren to prance and be supported h <br />personal rftlon. But could aflowing this get out of hand? What if children of all rel tons art <br />asking for days off on certain relipous holidays, and their worshipping gets in the way of their <br />education 9 V If public schools adopt one re gi n to teach flicy wfll be leaving out marry atheists and <br />non-refigious people, and offending countless other religions and people. If all children in public <br />school aiv forced be of one religion, is that not taking a huge step backward In understanding and <br />living with other people? For what did we wine to America for but to escape the construe society <br />of one universal religion, where woes are punished and reprinianded for braving separate <br />of mer a Is a free country where thousands of people of all races can live 'in religious peace <br />and not have to worry about being forced to believe in something they don't When parents of public- <br />schooled children send their kids off to school, they Must that no one w1H be teaching their child <br />an of different religious, moral, or family values and beliefs than their own. They trust that <br />them* children w111 not be forced to believe In something they don't, and will have, the same amount of <br />freedom of eec that they as adult.v expect in their dally lives. This is a sensitive and controversial <br />issue, but one that cannot a Ignored. believe would e a big stake o put ref our pubfic <br />schools, We all must decide. <br />