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1986 to 2004
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
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1986 to 2004
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Human Rich t e <br />Human n nights is a veer stronX subj Some People in <br />A er ic& saw that it d oesn t really ap ply to us But, 1 f ee l th at they <br />are mistaken, Human rights is a phrase which describes the bash. <br />liberties which should b allowed to every human being on th is earth. <br />That applies to everyone, blac b rown. whi-te or yel low. We as <br />s <br />citi e s of this world should see to it that every human <br />s all his <br />basic ri hts, This inclu not only the right to Epee speec an <br />expression, not only the right to a fair trial, b in some c ountries <br />the right to live. As absurd as this seers in the ci ili. ed world i n <br />which we live in, it is a reality to Millions of people all around the <br />world, In some cou gtr .es q People may be executed and tortured without <br />the right to a fair trial. just because we, living in America ar <br />fortunate enouh tO live in an equal d emocracy, we should not Just sit <br />back and watch, <br />good example of this is the current conflict in South <br />Africa. Where, the black people, who make up the r a ority of the <br />POPU lation, are treated as third Class Citizens.. They are not even <br />allowed to mix with the v hi.tes in the country. While the entire white <br />community of South Africa is basking. in ri hea, While- white <br />community enjoys t.. l uxury of servants and estates the black e <br />are condemned life o eery Th are hand p pie <br />hande a life sentence even <br />before their birth. All because of one thing th-eir color. `he are e not <br />Mowed to Grote, they are not allowed t lure on good land as th <br />e labeled 'white toy nahips The hi-tes <br />have the right to spit on <br />black b phy l ally an mentall This is J ust not a gro <br />v iolation of human ri it is an a bsurdity. M eanwhil e our <br />g overnment, Just sits back an watch as th ousan d s of i blacks <br />are Jailed for crimes they ha ve never even heard of, They ire <br />the <br />excuse of 'the whites are SlowlY handing over power B as w <br />and <br />the rest of the world know Wit any pressure, the white c <br />w ill n ot gi up. Why aren we t di ac W h <br />we gay have some interests in bout yt course, <br />A'ri.�a But, what interest can <br />there be which is more important than a human b i <br />Our country was once a witness to such sights, We were <br />once a <br />c ountry in which slavery and se re ation was a part of life. But we <br />learned. We learned that human ri hts are an integral Part of society, <br />W e learned that other people have feelin a too. W e learned t <br />other peoples thoughts and views A most of all we r what t he <br />real meanine of usti +e. i That is what barman rights is al about, <br />b <br />fra�K/ Sa�lq�i <br />
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