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CU I� <br />THE MOST IMPORTA€JT ARTICLE IN THE UNIVERSAL. DECLARATION OF HUMAN <br />RIGHTS <br />ALL HUMAN BEINGS ARE BORN FREE AND EQUAL IN DIGNITY AND <br />RIGHTS. THEY ARE ENDOWED WITH REASON AND CONSCIENCE AND SHOULD <br />ACT' TOWARDS ONE ANOTHER IN A SPIRIT of BROTHERHOOD. The General <br />al <br />Assembley proclaims this as Article Number 1, <br />I feel that Article Number l is the most important because <br />it encompasses all of the articles in this one. I believe tha <br />the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was ad. opted in der <br />to ensure th at every is born and a ble to live in freedom <br />and equality in whatever they choose for their life without <br />being limited in any way. <br />The second part of this article and what I think is the <br />golden axle is "They are endowed with rea son and conscience <br />and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. <br />This in of errords means "treat other people as you want to <br />be treated, 0 I think that if ever yone followed this golden rul <br />there would be no racial or religious problems, etc. No one <br />could be tortured o r subjected to degrading treatment. Everyone <br />would be equal before t he law. Everyone would have the right to <br />lure and own property wherever they chose Everyone would have <br />the freedom to choose religion. Everyone would have the right <br />to ac art in the <br />p goy. Bret 4 Everyone would have the right to <br />free choice of employment and the right to equal pay and a <br />education, <br />I would .like future generations to have the freedoms that <br />I have. I wo like them to be able to choose what they want <br />to do with their lyres in the same way that I can, knowin that <br />they gill not be held back because of race, religion, or sex, <br />This is why I Feel that Article I is the most important article <br />e <br />of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. <br />