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Sarah Augustin <br />Ho norable. M u i n <br />RAMS Gra <br />MS6 Simmons <br />I �A <br />"Mean preps", 'Woman don't belong i <br />,t x are o ffice the. kitchen is rear the <br />befog. Fie s e a gay look just his shirt, and list to his voice:" <br />O ur society is based stereoty We stereotype. tereotypo. varios gro of people. <br />P eople are categori in roe of <br />hoer they act dress, look, our ethnic <br />so many other things. Us and <br />1 people tend to place their eers i <br />categories witho a a p to these <br />actually getti t �o� each other. «'s <br />impressions a "wrong bayed o first <br />p d ghat seems to be "right or <br />d B ut, really, what i right? <br />An d hat i s rrong <br />My fingers tapped against the wooden desk in M* Le-ins classroom. it <br />was seventh hoer, 5 min until the bell. J 5 <br />more min of this suspense. <br />m ixture of im and fear sw ar m ed through my head as the clock ticke <br />I had never experienced such a l o ng five m in u tes! Mainly because 1 eras <br />S I was w orried that under <br />any minute, there was the chances. of bei <br />cab. It wo only take one p erson that was there, one p erson that gar <br />r the police to know it was I who had stolen the dab top from room 43 1. <br />Qu ickly, I glanced up at e clock. The hour hard was al set t <br />one �r�ute rea�r��n f stacked boobs and lightl <br />lifted y back pack p <br />t <br />not to damage the $9000 dollar <br />co resting inside. As I w about to <br />leave the rooms, a voce echoed through <br />school on the fond speaker. <br />ors. fake (ease core o the p <br />office, we have information on the stolen l bt. <br />After that, fey sto l I co <br />help but w onder if they kn it <br />was rye: I had deft no traced And after <br />a ll, I was a w boy wi no bad recor <br />��d probably be the fast arson t <br />they d suspect. Just to rake sure I <br />towards the office to. et t headed <br />{ma�yy■■ g scoop leaving ra boots and bag behind M ear <br />P ,t o h othe r <br />side of the door. f tried to icy as mu <br />p p of their <br />conversation as <br />s possible. Not once, did f hear name. <br />of a with l� <br />For a while, I y it. I said to myself, but i a whisp <br />as relieved, until f heard the name Marcus <br />19 I' th i n king arcs Granger stoke it r on e o h is friends at feast.. I mean he's <br />the only one that looks like he'd do s that.;) <br />so mething ���e M r <br />a s dropped after <br />that was said. arc tray fry pp <br />y end, he d. never do anything like at a��, the that <br />�r�ras�i t like her a nd ft <br />conversation rasn"t. over, I pushed a agai nst <br />harden so f could fear eve p the door <br />every word of what eras. said. <br />"There's only one e far <br />from the man s p a u sed. <br />"1... differe p ack ground; he's <br />black, The man finished his sentence <br />hesitance, he sounded furious. <br />ce with <br />f coldn't b eliev e one o my hest frie was going to get bared for <br />something f had done. end the w orst �t vas <br />r ,the only reason Marcus was <br />suspected for this act of crime, was cause of <br />his skin color, or ethnicity! <br />y <br />