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City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 22, 2010 <br /> Page 11 <br /> 4111 achieved the intended certification as a Building Inspector, the most significant <br /> reason for the recommended change in pay grades. Mr. Trudgeon noted the com- <br /> munity's continued high priority in the City providing proactive code enforcement <br /> services. <br /> City Manager Malinen concurred with Mr. Trudgeon's summary and rationale. <br /> Councilmember Roe clarified that, if future work load requirements indicated that <br /> the duties currently being handled by two Code Enforcement Officers could be <br /> handled by a single Officer, that decision could be made administratively based <br /> on work loads and staffing needs; but by definition, the position or pay grade <br /> wouldn't change. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon concurred; further noting that while the Department was facing de- <br /> clining revenue; a similar number of permits, even though smaller in size, were <br /> still being fielded and required the same actions and process by Building Inspec- <br /> tors as larger, more significant permits. <br /> Klausing moved, Roe seconded, approval of the elimination of one Code En- <br /> forcement Officer position (at Grade level 10) and the creation of one Code En- <br /> forcement Officer Housing and Nuisance position (at Grade level 9); with that <br /> position to fulfill the duties specified in the job description attached to the RCA <br /> dated November 22, 2010. <br /> Councilmember Ihlan expressed her willingness to support the motion; however, <br /> she expressed her qualms in not favoring reviewing and reclassifying positions, <br /> resulting in turning a filled position into a lower level position, with a subsequent <br /> reduction in salary for that person. Councilmember Ihlan sought assurances that <br /> the action was documented based on work loads and job duties; and the missing <br /> certifications for the position; and expressed her interest in seeing the request in <br /> the context of a larger, organizational restructure, rather than just this one posi- <br /> tion. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Roe; Ihlan; and Klausing. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> d. Consider a Resolution Adopting the 2011 Utility Rate Adjustments Adopting <br /> 2011 Water and Sewer Rates <br /> Finance Director Chris Miller summarized the request for adoption of staff re- <br /> viewed and recommended 2011 Utility Rates, ad detailed in the RCA dated No- <br /> vember 22, 2010, noting the components of that analysis for capital, fixed, and <br /> operational costs. <br /> Mr. Miller addressed the conservation -based water rate structure implemented in <br /> 2009, and the limited data available on the impacts to average household or busi- <br />